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sweet citrus trees in 2015 diary

this is my diary of my citrus trees from the last 2 years.

My Sweetlee tangerine trees just turned 2 years old today. The seeds sprouted on 1-7-2013. They were a 1/2 inch tall and I removed the closed sprouting chamber from inside my furnace heating ducts and put them under one of my bucket lights. This is tree #3. I have planted her in the ground on the south side of the house. She is contained between the house an garage concrete walls from north to south and a timber wall to the east. The west end is super hard clay from the Teays river bank from before the last ice age.The 3200 gallon enclosure holds tree #3 and #4 at about 8 feet apart.

Below is my Sweetlee #4

Here is a link that might be useful:

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