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Long time lurker, first time poster, clematis newbie -- some questions

8 years ago

Hello gardenweb community!

We plan
to plant clematis this fall, and have got a couple of newbie questions.
Your help and suggestions would be much appreciated!

(1) Spacing and combo planting:
are going with either Jackmanii, Etoile Violette, or both. Many
websites seem to say their spacing (spread?) is 3 to 6 feet. Meanwhile I
see many photos where two different varieties are planted together
(including the Jack and Violette combo) . How do people do such combo
planting when their spacing requirement is 3 to 6 feet? Would it be safe
to plant Jack and Violette closer than the said requirement?

(2) Timing of adding support:
group-3 clems need any real support such as a trellis right after
planted in fall? If planed in late August to early September, it would
be about or less than 2 months before the first frost in this area when I
assume clems start going dormant. We thought there wouldn't be enough
time for them to grow so big, and that we would not need to install a
trellis or some net till spring came and clems started growing. Would
that be too late?

Thanks much for your help in advance!


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