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Week 58: In which we examine our junk drawers

8 years ago

So earlier this week, I had to go hunting for a kid doorknob lock. I knew I had some somewhere in the house, I bought and used them for my eldest, but I haven't needed them for my middle two kids so I was not sure where they were located.

I looked in my toolbox- not there. I looked in the box of "needs to be donated" baby stuff, not there, I looked in the shop, my nightstand, the kids closets, everywhere!!!

Where are those blasted things!! I don't want to go buy more when I KNOW I have some somewhere, I just can't remember where I put them!!!

Finally, a small braincell in the back of my head fired off and said "check the junk drawer."

Thank goodness for random brain cells firing because I FINALLY found them and my 2 year old gets to live another day! ;)

It got me thinking though. On all the layout threads and kitchen organization threads, I never see "junk drawer" listed.

I know when I planned my kitchen that I planned a "junk drawer". Realistically, it is something I've always had in every house and I figured it was better to plan for it then to end up having one of my carefully planned drawers ruined with junk.

When I went looking for (and found) the doorknob locks, I also rediscovered some things I had forgotten about. The suncatchers I made with my kids last summer that weren't completely dry so they got laid in the (at the time) empty junk drawer to finish drying out. My favorite Phillips head screwdriver that I've been missing, the spare keys to the house and shop, a tape measure, some prepackaged disposable silverware packets I kept in case I needed them for kids lunches, a keychain my daughter made me, some goody bags to use for party favors, plus all the spare notepads, pens and pencils I could ever need.

So....what's in your junk drawer? When you planned your kitchen, did you plan for a junk drawer? If you didn't, what do you do with all the spare odds and ends that normally find their way to the junk drawer?

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