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Do you have a junk drawer?!.....

15 years ago

This is a bit off topic but I am so you have a junk drawer?

Or is this an American curiosity?

I can remember the junk drawer as a child being someplace wonderful to search and discover! It contained all kinds of leftover necessities of life. One particular item sticks in my mind some 60 years later : a little wax doll from some carival game.

I have one junk drawer today and I love to look it in from time to time. Now it contains leftovers from my three grandchildren : a discarded pacifier, deck of cards, Pez dispensers, old keys, tiny trucks, mini puzzles, bottle of sparkle, old rulers, a plastic teacup , a small rubber pig, a magnifying glass......memories!

I cannot bring myself to dump it all out.

When I am gone, someone will do that with great relish and wonder why I ever kept any of it.

It is the modern day treasure chest!!

Do you have one too?

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