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Tree to provide shade to a bench Northern Virginia Area

Looking for suggestions on a medium size tree that will work well in a garden/walkway setting. The ground has a slight slope so drainage is decent however there is a nearby hill so it will also be moist. Soil is lovely Virginia clay. It will have full sun. Since it will be near (within visual distance) of the patio area, I would like a tree that has 4 season interest, not "heavy" more "airy", ideally beneficial to wildlife (birds and/or pollinators), and not too "messy". Nearby is an American Holly and a Crapemyrtle (white). I was thinking of a Sourwood, Carolina Silverbell, Prairifire flowering Crabapple, Northern Catalpa, or Paperbark Maple. Other suggestions? Pros/Cons on the ones I listed?

As a note, we have planted other trees on the property - to try and give back to the wildlife around us (for reference: multiple red maples; pin, sawtooth, & willow oaks; riverbirches; serviceberries; black gums; flowering cherries; flowering dogwoods; and a redbud, tulip, hickory, corkscrew willow and bald cypress). Ideally, this one to be different from what we already have although I really like the river birches - even if they aren't a real 4 season tree. They just make me feel "happy" when I am around them.

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