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Help with soil report

I have received this year's soil report. It's not as complete as a Logan Labs report, but our local ag extension office offers free testing, and you can't beat free. Maybe next year if problems remain I'll get the more detailed report. In the mean time, would you folks be willing to help me with the report?

I live in the piedmont in North Carolina. We've had the house for about three years. For a long time it belonged to a greenskeeper, but for maybe 5-10 years after that it had other owners who where neglectful. Our soil is clay + the usual 2 inches of random topdressing from the builder. Back yard is shaded probably about half the day. Additionally, I think it's a kind of zoysia. It's definitely warm season, spreading, it almost never grows higher than 3-4 inches and never puts up seed heads. The yard has gotten shadier over the years as neighbor's trees have gotten taller. I assume at some point I'll have to give up on zoysia there, but for now it's holding on and it's a pretty damn ideal turfgrass. The front yard is 75-100% sunny and a very invasive bermudagrass. I'll be attempting to make the bermuda as happy as possible, because I like its low maintenance character.

Last year after the report I limed front and back with dolomitic lime. Before that, I core aerated (though since then I've seen this forums views with regard to aeration). I also fertilized once last summer after the report with a pure nitrogen source in the front. I did not fertilize the back yard because it's currently affected by three large patch / brown patch infections. These have been there since we got the house, spreading 1-3 feet each year.

This spring I fertilized both yards (plus the strip by the street) with slow release nitrogen in May, but have yet to make any further amendments. I under-limed the front yard last year out of caution, and because I underestimated its square footage.

Here are this year's reports:

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