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After 4 years of trying, finally got my Boule de Neige

Some of you may remember me moaning and groaning last year about my seemingly impossible search for a Boule de Neige. I groused all over the place about every place I tried that had it listed would tell me it was out of stock--in some cases just a couple weeks before they were supposed to mail it to me. I was particularly mad that they would accept and confirm my order--only to later say, sorry, we don't really have it.

Well, somehow I found Pam Greenewald from Angel Gardens in Florida last fall. She kindly offered to grow me a Boule de Neige, and I just received it this morning--looking perhaps a bit battered after its long journey but still reasonably healthy and a decent size. My only reservation is that the box was rather battered because it did not have "fragile" or "this side up" marked on it (my postal carrier was really upset!), but the plants survived so I don't have any serious complaint about it. Especially after searching fruitlessly for 4 years for this plant!

When it blooms I'll post a pic. I'm really excited about this plant. Here's pic : Boule de Neige at . It's a wonderful older rose.

In the meantime, I just wanted to give everybody a heads up about Pam Greenewald at Angel Gardens. Terrific woman to work with and another excellent nursery to add to our list of "favorites."


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