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I just love Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii). Funny thing is, when I first started gardening, I didn't at all. I would walk through a garden center and think, "Who would buy that nasty plant?" Then, it was all about the thorny stems. But the more I learned, it became all about the blooms! They bloom almost year-round. Although they drop most of their leaves in winter, a patch of blooms will remain at the tips. And at the first sign of spring, here comes a new set of green leaves. So now I'm a big sucker for these. I mostly buy pinks (you old-timers know that about me), but I've got a few reds and last year, a yellow.

I recently walked through Home Depot and there was a cute yellow with red centers. I was pretty sure my last-year-yellow had yellow centers (and it does). So the yellow-with-red-centers had to come home with me - only $3.98 - who could resist?

Here's photos of last year's and my new guy:

Carol in Jacksonville

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