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Tall deep pink rose ID

So I know this isn't an antique rose, but I was told in the "Name That Rose" forum that I might get more answers here. I hope that's OK.

This rose was planted by the previous owner, probably in either the 70's or early 80's. It grows very tall with clusters of tea shaped roses, so probably a grandiflora.

Usually I keep it about 4-5 feet tall, but I was busy last winter and never got around to pruning it. Between that and a very mild winter here in NorCal, it's now at least 7 feet tall or more.

It starts a lighter pink and ages to a deep ruby/cherry pink. Very large flowers, the one I'm holding is at least 6" across, ruffled and wavy edge.Outside and inside of petals not hit by the sun are pale silvery pink.

Fairly disease resistant, I don't spray much (not at all last year) and it gets a little rust, no powdery mildew and very little black spot. Not a strong fragrance.

Any ideas? Thanks.

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