Hmmmm...can't "scroll" thru sites anymore on laptop?!?!!?
9 years ago
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- 9 years ago
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Daily Support Mon. 2/22 thru Sun. 2/28
Comments (36)NHSuzanne - I usually poke the h*ll out my baked potatoes, because the exact same thing happened to me once, only it exploded in the microwave! Hope Sweet Pea continues to improve. Is your electric back on? I just bought some peanut butter and jelly to have on hand. I started eating the Smuckers natural peanut butter and now I can't eat any other kind. I love peanut butter on apples, bananas or English muffins. I just read that the tsunami missed Hawaii. Thank goodness. Those poor people in Chile. I have a cold and my back is aching for various reasons. So I confess that I slid off the wagon (felt sorry for myself) and ate some junk this week. I will have to start over with the stars. :~( At least I refrained from buying anything junky at the store today. We got another 6 inches yesterday and it has been snowing all day. But at least the snow today isn't sticking to the roads. February 2010 is now officially the snowiest February in Pennsylvania since they started keeping track of the weather. Marci Marci...See MoreSS Support - Mon. 7/10 thru Sun. 7/16
Comments (41)Hi guys! This place is BUSY! I have been trying to catch up... Besh~ I am glad that the shower was a success. How is your son doing? Those were some very nice goodies from Milkdud. I know just what you mean about having your house in order and feeling under control. John~ Did you start kayaking again? The dating world sounds like a very scary thing. I'm not sure I'll EVER be up to it again. Hang in there. Zig~ From the Qod earlier this week, I'd love to be able to sing too! In my mind's eye, I sing like Martina McBride. Truth be told, I can't carry a tune in a bucket : ) I am another carb lover.... Marci~ What is the Paperback Swap? Tell me about The Reading Group... Take that cookie dough and pitch it right out into the yard! Hard to resist when it's calling your name... BJ~ You crack me up! No, you can't take it with you! And would you even WANT to?? Having downsized from a very large house to my temporary digs here, I can tell you that it is very cathartic to get rid of so much STUFF. Every once in awhile I will look for something and have to stop myself with an "oh yeah...I gave that away..." but for the most part, I am very content with less. NH Suzanne~ Any chance of getting some "chix pix"? I'd love to see them! My DD built an incubator and hatched 6 chicks as a science project one year. They all hatched on open house night at school. Guess who got an "A"? Raeanne~ How was the meditation group? How does that work anyway? I always think of meditation as a very private thing and was wondering about how a group setting would work. I know all about phone problems! I have Verizon here and have actually been very happy with the service. We have had a couple of equipment problems though, but they were quickly resolved. Would you share your recipe for cauliflower soup, please? I wouldn't piut that pot on the grill. I believe that would indeed ruin it... What's a "reward meal"? DeeMarie~ Thank you for the email! : ) I just broke down and bought a new computer. It is MADDENING when these things break. Funny how dependent I have become on it (speaking of being attached to possessions!) I could live on pasta and bread... How was the salon? Maddie~ Congrats on the job! I'd love to see where you'll be working... Cake stalagmites?? ROFLMAO! Donna~ Don't listen to Besh... go ahead and buy the shoes! You KNOW you want them! :) I am sorry to have been MIA. Thanks for the well wishes, emails and cyber hugs. It has been a perfectly terrible week and a half here. I have made an attitude adjustment and am ready to go! (I am truly my own worst enemy) It is over 100 degrees here for the fourth day in a row. I am having my upstairs air conditioner replaced (no central air here...) and it is too hot to sleep in my room till it's replaced tomorrow. I have been bunking very uncomfortably on the couch : ( Does anyone else have a terrible time in the heat?? I am just melting! I'm getting most of my busy work done as early as possible to avoid the heat and have taken to doing housework late at night!. I washed the kitchen floor the other night at 10:00 pm! I am feeling very positive about this new week. I have some paperwork to do today, but I have all day to do it in. I have scheduled some fun things to do into my week, which I think will keep me on track. In all things, it is important to remember that life is truly what we make of it. Love, Tikanas...See MoreSS Support - Mon. 8/4 thru Sun. 8/10
Comments (36)A lot has happened around here in a short time. Wodka - ((((HUGS)))) to you and your sister. I think of you often. Dee - ((((HUGS)))) you have been through way too much lately. In September I am going to NJ and will try to hook up with you at some point - so I can give you a hug in person. Marci - ((((HUGS)))) to you as well. I had to redo my pap once and it is unnerving. When will you have the results? I hope you have fun with your friend at the Shaker Woods fair today. Besh - thank you for your kind words. I do enjoy painting, as frustrating as it can be at times LOL. I just sold the one you like, Wednesday night. It was my largest piece to date. I also sold the boat on Saturday. Both of my top money pieces - now I need to paint more LOL. We have the fly problem on the boat as well. My family thought I had lost it the other day. I was all set for a nice peaceful time on the lake with a book in hand and those little buggers just appeared from nowhere. I got up with a towel and just started swatting and screaming. Like you said, you take off and they stay right with you. We have had them before, but they are relentless this year. Sorry to hear about DIL grandmother, but glad they will be with you. Milkdud - I am so happy that things are working out with you in your new neighborhood. It sounds like you are going to be very involved socially very soon. My daughter has been using the TX mug you sent me. I hope it isn't missing when she leaves LOL. Patti - Blueberry muffins sound great - my DH can BBQ and reheat food (and sometimes that is questionable) but he really can't cook at all. Which is fine for me, since I like to cook - he gets clean-up duty. BJ - come out, come out, wherever you are.... Suzanne - enjoy your time out on the high seas. I love our lake and it is plenty big (32 miles long), but there is something about being out on the ocean that is so special and I know you are going out there in style. Donna - Are you still working out? I am down to twice a week, but do try to get cardio in on most of the other days - I have to admit I haven't been living up to my expectations lately. I did get it in today and I moved it up on my priority list. McPeg - Marci was nice enough to post some of my paintings on her photo site. If you need the address let me know. I will have to privately email it to you. QOD #1 - I'm with Marci. I always thought how cool it would be to be Samantha from Bewitched. QOD #2 - Busy with DD's visit, hope to get a little lake time in and a nice dinner tonight to celebrate DH birthday. Hugs to all that need them and even if you don't. Make the best of today....See MoreSS Daily - Mon. 11/14 thru Sun. 11/20
Comments (51)Hi again, One thing I've noticed about down times is that for me they don't last forever. Some years ago, when I got into a painful space, I started looking at the clock with the intent of timing how long it lasted. Somehow just knowing that such times have a beginning and an end was helpful to me in gaining perspective. One reason I don't spend as much time here as I used to is that I started another forum. It's different from this one,but it was created to be a safe place for some people, too, who were having trouble on other forums with people fighting and not being family-friendly. It takes a fair amount of time to keep up. I'm not sure how many visitors we get from here, but no one posting, and I think for the same reason I post here less - we run out of hours in the day. And then there are the health problems and physical pain and all. Maybe I can start sharing some of the things here. People might even get interested, lol, and it would be a way to keep up my contact here more than I have been. Among other things,we have threads for beautiful imagery. I enjoy that, being an artist. Or maybe it's that I'm an artist because I enjoy that. Below is the link to some images that I posted this morning on the reflection thread. When you get there, click on the box that says "click here to view a picture." For anyone with dial-up, you might want to skip numbers 3, 4, and 5, as they take a long time to load. Just try the first two and the last three. We have a story thread, too, where people add their sentences to create a story, and a person who does sand sculpture. We have a cute pictures thread, which I'm sure some of you would enjoy. I'll add to that later today and share it here, too. I got the pics I'm sharing today fro a stock exchange site. I have a lot of struggles, and joys, too, but I've got to the place where I'm too tired and ill to try to share it all. I need to work on other things, like the paintings and art site and such. That's why I dropped out of the Christmas and birthday exchanges, too. I can't keep it all up. At least I'm still here :) Here is a link that might be useful: Reflections...See More- 9 years ago
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