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Leaf drop question, meyermike, johnmerr, or all expert advice please

I've been watching one of my two meyer lemon tree's loosing a leaf here and there. I've noticed they are all old leaves that were on the tree when I removed the tree from its mother tree (air layered). The leaves slowly turned yellow and dropped. It has only dropped 9 leaves in about 2 weeks worth of time. Half of them yellowed and the other half still green leaves. I did water with warm water one evening when the temps dropped to 45 f outside so I figured that was my problem. But have not done that since and still come home from work with a leaf on the ground every few days.

The tree's are in 5-1-1 mix, seem to be very healthy, flowering like crazy. I only water when the new leaves begin to drop (not stand straight up like usual). If I had to average it out I would guess I water once every week to week and half with foilage pro. It's dark out so I can't take a picture of the whole tree but I will tomorrow.

Should I just keep doing what I am doing and assess the situation if it continues?

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