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To find popular threads try this...

When you are looking for popular threads from the GW threads that we all were used to seeing...look at the main forum you are interested in. In this Container forum, look to the right side of the main page . Look under the " Garden Web has joined Houzz" you will see " latest Activity" if you are looking at the latest post. Click the drop down button and choose " popular" you will find all of the great informative threads. You can copy paste these right into the box that you are typing your post. I just did this for the thread about finding ingredients by state and region.

Administration is working on some that were truncated ( shortened) and are working on fixing those great threads . They said they have the information saved and are working on fixing this problem.

I just wanted to share some of the Information that I have learned with you all. We all are trying to learn this new system...

It nice to see you all here and I look forward to seeing all of my friends . ;-)

I hope this helps!!!

Take care,


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