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Emergency Altoids Tin Cooking Kit?

John Liu
9 years ago

You know what an Altoids tin looks like, right?. Rectangular metal tin, hinged lid, about 3.6" x 2.2" x 0.8".

Making "Emergency Kits" from Altoids tins is a popular Thing To Do. Usually these are mini first aid kits, wilderness survival kits, or urban essentials kits if your essentials are cigarettes, matches, bottle opener{{gwi:807}}, a condom, and $50.

So I was wondering, what would be your "Cooking Emergency Altoids Tin Kit"?

The idea is, suppose you suddenly and unexpectedly find yourself having to cook in less than a perfectly equipped kitchen. Maybe the vacation rental turns out to be bare bones in the culinary department, maybe you visit an ill friend and volunteer to make them a meal but they mostly heat cans, maybe your commuter train is stranded in the snowy Andes and you realize the best way to avoid being cooked is to be the chef{{gwi:807}} - but the train kitchen isn't well stocked, and your meals have to be well reviewed, or else . . . luckily you always carry your Altoids tin kit.

What's in it? Spices? A small blade? Some miniature kitchen tool{{gwi:807}}?

This post was edited by johnliu on Sun, Feb 8, 15 at 11:53

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