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Products & recipes that you love & roses that give joy: Part I

strawchicago z5
9 years ago

Since the other thread got too long, I start a new one. Amazon has tons of good products, such as this dead rabbit ... I have tons of rabbits in my garden, I should sell them on Amazon too. See below review on Amazon which strongly recommend that you buy a dead rabbit:

Fresh Whole Rabbit

Fresh Whole Rabbit
by Cloverdale
337 customer reviews

3,668 of 3,892 people found the following review helpful
I know what it's like to be a feral dog
By M. Rosen on August 6, 2007

"Like many suburban homeowners, I like to kill and eat the wild animals that populate my backyard. To keep it sporting, I hunt naked, with my teeth and long sharpened fingernails as my only weapons. I've feasted on squirrel, raccoon, vole and numerous songbirds. But no matter how long I lay spread eagle and motionless in the hot noonday sun, I have never been able to outwit and catch any of the plump and juicy rabbits that hop just outside my reach and then bolt for the woods when I leap forward with a blood-curdling shriek. I have chased them at a dead run through the yards of the many unoccupied homes that surround mine but the pursuit always ends in frustration. But no more, thanks to Amazon. Every week, I order a fresh whole rabbit and affix it to a remote control car that is operated by one of my children. This way, I get the thrill of the hunt, and when the car's batteries are exhausted, I can leap upon it, bury my teeth into the rabbit's soft flesh and perform my ritual victory dance right there in the Walgreen's parking lot."

Here is a link that might be useful: Fresh whole rabbit on Amazon

This post was edited by Strawberryhill on Thu, Feb 5, 15 at 9:50

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