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Anyone know the title/author of this short story (SPOILERS!)

17 years ago

Years ago in college, I read a short story in one of my classes. It was about an elderly woman who is getting ready to go to the park for a summertime concert. Much of the story is spent with her getting ready; in particular there's a big production of her getting out a mink hat (or maybe scarf??). She wears this mink hat (or scarf) to the concert; it's her special hat that comes out just for these concerts. (SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!) The story ends when she overhears some younger people making fun of her beloved hat, and she leaves the concert and goes home dejected.

This story has always really stuck with me; I think it's one of the saddest things I've ever read. I would love to re-read it (and any other stories this author has maybe written), but I can't remember the title OR the author of the story!

Anyone have any ideas who the author could be of this gem? Or what the title is?



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