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2014 Reading Resolutions

10 years ago

Happy New Year to all RP'ers.

I have been checking back on my reading list for 2013 to find my favourite reads to add to Sheri's thread. I realised that much of the fiction was so unmemorable that I could remember where I had been while reading the book rather than what it was 'about'. So once again, my resolution will be to try and read more classic books . . . stuff that will stay in my fast-fading brain longer than the time it takes to put the volume back on the shelf.
This could, of course, reflect not just my diminishing grey cells but the lack of quality fiction written these days. Are any RP'ers able to recommend a really well-written modern book?
So TWO questions: Your 2014 resolutions and name a decent book of say, the last five years.
Thank you.

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