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Upon Reflection ....

I've just finished several books that, after marinating in my brain for a while, are better than I realized while reading them. I only wish I could find more such. SPOILERS AHEAD! Phillip's "The Egyptologist" is a novel that the more I think about it the better it gets. The most unreliable narrator in this novel narrated by 4 voices is ultimately Phillips. We figure out the "mystery" early and feel pretty smug. But in the final chapters, we see the truth we figured out early from a entirely new perspective. It is a novel that has many layers, many parallels, and is downright recursive. I'm still thinking about it. "Middlesex" was that way for me also. Not that I didn't enjoy the process of reading them at the time. I did. It is just that these were two books that became richer upon reflection.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, what have you read lately that got better after you had finished it and thought about it for a while?

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