his is a hard message to post, but thanks to others that have posted about their abuse and problems gives me the strength to share. I am sure many of you remember my stories of my younger brother and how many times he manages to screw up and ruin holidays. Also he has focused on me to be the center of his abuse, and also my husband. He says rude inappropriate thing to us, tries to pick fights with my husband, and says things to me specifically to get me upset. He is a recovering alcoholic and everyone in my family(except DH and I) are afraid to confront him, in case he starts drinking again.
On monday he dropped Rhiannon off and I mean opened our porch door, didnt check to see if anyone was home and then left. We found Rhiannon several minute later in the freezing porch crying. My brother also took off with her car seat and also didn't get Hayden's medication which is critical since he has pneamonia. He came back and threw the car seat in the back of the truck and left. I realized after 15 minutes that he should have been here so Rhiannon and Dan went out and found the seat laying there. Then we had to call again to have him get the medicine. Rhiannon is 5 and is a pretty smart cookie, she told us that Cory just opened the door and pushed her in. There was no way that he could have seen that we were home with the van in the garage. The reason he was upset was Dan didn't get Rhiannon, but he was bringing my folks extra truck since ours has no heat and Dan can take it but he has to take Rhiannon to school, and with sick kids I don't want to be left at home.
Dan and I have been working on our relationship, it isn't perfect but much has improved around here. He is more willint to watch the kids while I am cooking, he puts them to bed and takes them with him to events like games to give me a break. I stay at home and I have no problem with the laundry, dishes and cleaning, and Dan realizes with 4 kids it will never be spotless.I love him more everyday.
Then we start getting messages on my face book and text messages. We didn't say a word they just came out from no where. He is 27 and dating a 17 year old and has for 3 years, and do I say anything to him about it, NO>
Here is a little about what we got posted and messges:
I hope that you don't mind me posting this. I know that you have read about the problems that I have had with my brother Cory in the past ad currently. One of the things is that there are some long lived situations and comments that have been causing me hurt and problems in my private life. To put it bluntly, about 10 years ago while taking him to basketball camp and he was sitting in the seat beside me with his penis out and masturbating next to me. There were other instances that he did the same,, he would like right at me while he was doing this. I have kept quiet over the last 10 years being unable to deal with this. Things came to a heaad this week when he left Rhiannon here without checking to see if we were home, taking her car seat with him and not taking Haydens meds that he needs for Pnemonia.
I have tried to talk to some family members about this, my sis is a family counselor and I told her the whole story and she was shocked and upset. Her husband says that when their twins are born they will never be left alone with them. This is why I have been tough about the fact I dont want my kids around him. He is also very mentally abusive and hurtful towards me and my husband, calling him a worthless piece of sh*& and that he does more to help me than my husband. Calls him fatty and tells him to go eat cheese balls and play video games. Keep in mind my brother is 5 years younger than me, and yes this is the same brother that I have posted about the last few years and even though I threaten to not come to the holidays, I usually get guilt tripped into going. But not this year, I told my family about the sexual abuse and they were shocked and had a hard time coming to terms with it; I have talked to 2 couselors and gave them the basics and the feel for my family, health and mental state I need to stay away. I have an appointment to go down today. What is a real problem is that my sister that is a counselor, let it slip that he had to see some one because of sex addiction and a specialist on sexual assult. If I would have know this I wouldn never let him near my kids considering his history and what he does to me. Now I a scared to death for my 5 year old, she doesn't like my brother and is scared of him and doesn't want to be alone with him. I am thinking of having her go on for counseling to see if there is abuse which may explain the bed wetting and her anger toward me.
So my immediate family is going to get together for Chrismas and if others want to join jjs all the merrier. RHiannon has to go and have her throat scoped to look for nodules on her vocal cords, Peyton has a cyst under her chin and Hudson is still stuffed up. So in the next month I will have my gallbladder surgery, the girls may have surgery and Hudson is still getting over te croup, so I have enough on my plate right now. I am scared, confused, angry and frustrated.I knew from what I had posted in the past that there could be someone I coulld talk too.DH is trying but he is so angry abou it and worried about our little girls,\
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