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~Small Town Politics

16 years ago


As the old timers know, I live in a tiny county in Northern Utah where cows outnumber people. Less that 1500 people live here full time. During the summer, at Bear Lake, the population increases five times due to the summer people.

Twenty-thirty years ago, when land was cheap, people would buy a parcel on Bear Lake, build a house, and because of the low property taxes, tried to claim it as a primary residence.


It didn't work.

Now land in Bear Lake is extremely extremely valuable.

And many of the summer homes are big and ornate.

Due to the increase of value, of course, property taxes are high. Also, because of increased costs in EVERYTHING, county government officials are promoting a tax increase.

Several summer time residents come to the center for senior meals. (Most summer people are gone by October but these folks are new.)

Guess what the topic of conversation was?

You got it...taxes.

Taxes, a woman claims, without representation.


Why, SHE is paying taxes for the county SCHOOLS!!

And she has NO grandchildren in school!

THEY are in FLORIDA so she shouldn't be taxed!


Because she is only a part time resident, that's why!


The rational has turned completely around.

First they loved our they hate them.

This lady was truly on a roll.

Then she suggested the County Senior Center be moved to the north side of the county. Why? Because HER taxes pay for the center and since she pays more than us poor country folk on the south side of the county SHE should get consideration. Besides, she's tired of riding the bus to the center for meals. And, while we're at it, she wants to move the COUNTY SEAT to the north side of the county.


Because SHE pays more taxes than we do on the south side.

The library and, well, EVERYTHING should be where those who pay the highest taxes live.


The four retired ranchers from the south ate in silence and walked out without saying anything, which is saying a lot of their manners.


The senior bus driver, a local who lives in north county, ate HIS meal, got up and waited in the bus. So did everyone from the North except this woman and her husband and he looked like he wanted to go too but just didn't quite dare to.

We workers at the center ate our meals, got up and went about our chores. It took a little while but the woman finally realized nobody was listening to her.


I just sat there, eating my meatloaf (which was wonderful if I may so) then went about my work, listening quietly, grateful I get to sleep indoors each night and only have to clean ONE house.



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