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I did it! eyelash extensions...

13 years ago

About a week ago(i think) there was a post about eyelashes and various people posted about lash growing products and eyelash "weaves" or extensions. My own lashes are very blond and I think they have gotten thinner over the past few years - as have my eyebrows. My eyes have started to look sunken and I have problems finding mascara that works with my contacts. I asked the girl that does my nails if she knew about eyelash extensions & actually she has them! Hers look absolutely beautiful - very real, not too long. She does not use mascara. She gave me the name of the person she goes to & I went today! I got a "starter" package of 30 lashes on each eye applied. There are different lengths - I have no longer than 10 mms toward the outside. I also got a mix of brown and black lashes - the color of mascara I use. The application wasn't too bad - it took about 1 1/2 hours to do both eyes and I popped my contacts back in immediately after. I think I love them! It really looks good - fuller with a little bit of length & with the look of mascara on.

It is pretty indulgent, certainly, and I have yet to determine if I will continue or not with monthly "upkeep". We have a holiday party a week from this Saturday and I wanted to have them by then and be used to them.

This person also does "permanent" makeup - lip color, eyeliner, eyebrows - pretty interesting - I wouldn't have to put on any make up.....

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