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If you read 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer...

FlamingO in AR
15 years ago

and/or the 3 that follow, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, are you aware that Twilight is a movie soon to be released? Nov 21st, to be exact.

And the stars- you've seen the young man who plays Edward in a Harry Potter movie, he was Cedric Diggory. The young lady who plays Bella was also in Panic Room, with Jodi Foster, she was the daughter.

I've just finished reading the first 2 books in the series and will have read the other 2 by the time the movie comes out.

I'm planning to go to the movie with a girlfriend. I don't think Woody will want to go, even though he's reading the series. 'S OK, Jen and I can act all silly and swoony without the guys! lol

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