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Tell us something you did as a child that got you into trouble

13 years ago

I found this idea on another message board. Tell us a story of something you did as a child to get you into trouble.

When I was about 7, our family bought stuff from the little country store. Dad was paid every two wks. During those 2 wks, Mom would send us to the store for things and we were told to tell the woman to 'put it on the bill'. Of course, I wasn't around on payday when Dad went in and paid the bill off. So one day at lunch time, I took 6 classmates, went to the store and let each kid (and myself) pick out a candy bar............and then said 'put it on the bill'. I was questioned, but stood firm that it was okay with my Mom. Needless to say that evening I learned what the 'bill' was, along with a proper scolding.

Care to share one of your stories, or were you all perfect little angels growing up?


Comments (35)

  • 13 years ago

    Went to Gary Madison's house, around lunch time, and didn't tell my mother.

    His mother made me a peanut butter and banana sandwich.

    Mother found me, and gave me a spanking on the way home with her brush that had a mirror on the back. Broke the mirror :o)

    I must have been in elementary school.

  • 13 years ago

    One more :o)

    Got a bad grade on my weekly reader. Was in elementary school.

    Didn't want to show my parents, so I buried it under a bush.

    Mistake was Joan Wilbur and I always walked home together from school, and she saw what I did.

    After I went inside, and she told my mother what I did.

    Mother made me get the weekly reader plus switch from the bush I buried the paper under.

    The only two times I ever remember getting a spanking from my mother.

    And to this day, Joan and I still communicate with Christmas cards and birthday cards.

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    This is humorous looking back, but mean none-the-less. When I was about five, the plastic trolls with the wild hair were making their first go-around as a popular toy. We had some, and my brother was about 3. I told him they had magical powers, and they were my friends, and if he didn't do what I said, we would make him disappear and never bring him back. I went on to say that there was a witch in the car, same deal. And then I even went on to start in with magical incantations a couple of time if he wasn't scared enough. First my parents were frustrated as to why my brother suddenly became terrified of the Chevy station wagon, and no amount of logic could convince him otherwise. Because you see, only I could communicate with the witch, not Mom and Dad. Then, one bedtime, when Mom was trying to figure out why he was so upset and scared, he spilled all the beans. She stormed into my room, and was pretty darn upset, rightfully so. I was so focused on getting what I wanted from my little brother, I didn't think about how I was scaring him and making his life miserable, not to mention lying and taking unfair advantage of someone younger than me. Once it dawned on me, even at five, I felt horrible, horrible. And every time I think about that story, I want to go back in time and smack myself upside the head!
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    Comments (46)
    Barbara, I asked my daughter just now if she really wanted it. She got a bottle of Black Opium for Christmas from this same kid (his family), which she can't wear while in my house. I just let her smell the Channel #5 and she is okay with giving it away. I'll send it to you. Send me your info via messaging. Will probably wait till next week to send it since I'm on vacation again then and things may have quieted down in the mailing centers. I went back to work and got two more gifts I can't use. Perfumy hand lotion and Bailey's non-alcoholic truffles. The lotion is really strong, gave it to my daughter. The truffles I did try but they taste just like Bailey's Irish creme. lol Put them on the kitchen island, someone will eat them. One of my coworkers had perfume or some other strong scent on last night and I ended up having to use my inhaler, irritated my lungs even though I was wearing a 3 layer face mask. She is a nurse and should know better. There are two of them in my office and they both now sit in my pod of desks.
    ...See More
  • 13 years ago

    I must have been about 6 and my brother was just a few months old. We were at the grocery store with DB in the seat of the buggy. I stood up on the back of the cart and tipped it over on top of both of us. I never did THAT again.


  • 13 years ago

    I don't remember what the original transgression was but, my mother gave me a proper whuppin' for it. When she turned her back to walk away I stuck my tongue out at her. Of course she saw me with those "eyes in the back of her head" she always claimed she had. She chased me down the hall but I beat her to the bathroom and locked the door. A few minutes later my older brother told me it was safe to come out. Got another whuppin'. Needless to say, I always believed my mother had eyes in the back of her head after that and that my brother was never, ever to be trusted again. lol

  • 13 years ago

    I didn't really get in trouble for it, but I dropped a penny or something in a cooking pot of applesauce. When Mom found the penny in the applesauce, she frowned at me, which was about all the punishment she ever needed to do. I felt bad.

    When I was in high school, I was sent to the principal's office for studying at an inappropriate time. He laughed.

    I usually just sent myself to my room if I thought I'd done something wrong. LOL

  • 13 years ago

    When I was in kindergarten I found a bunch of conduit slugs from a nearby construction site. They looked like money to me. I grabbed a handful and brought them home and hid them under my pillow.

    Later that night, after my mom put me to bed, I took them out and played with them. For some odd reason, I put one in my mouth and then accidentally inhaled it or something. All I know is that I started making horrible choking sounds and crying.

    My mom and dad rush in, figure out what I had done, picked me up and carried hysterical me to the car. Off to the hospital we went for an x-ray. I sobbed and gagged the entire trip. The x-ray surprised everyone because it showed absolute nothing but a clear lung and throat. I was feeling much better by that time.

    Once back home, my parents took away all the metal slugs and put me to bed.

    The next morning, they found the offending slug on the floor in the car where I had coughed it up.

    When the pricey hospital bill arrived (I think it was $200 in 1958). Dad was not happy at all with the out of pocket bill he now had. Once he cooled down, he had my mom frame the bill and the slug and it was a conversation starter for years. :-)



  • 13 years ago

    My last one, I promise!

    Growing up we always had a devotional time before going to bed.

    My dad was sick, so I sat on the side of the bed during devotional time.

    Already dressed for bed, I had my slippers on.

    Let one fall off on the floor.

    Dad stopped, and told me NOT to drop the other one.

    Of course I did.

    He turned me over on his stomach and gave me a spanking.

    PROBLEM was I needed to pee.

    You know the rest of the story.

    One and only time my dad ever spanked me.

  • 13 years ago

    I was always in trouble when I was a kid.....always getting spanked for one reason or another. I knew the rules but didn't like following them.
    I remember refusing to clear my mom's plate from the table because she had put out a cigarette on it. She got up to get the paddle and my dad told her I was right and to put the paddle away and quit smoking at the table. Hooray, Daddy!

  • 13 years ago

    Everything. All the time. Not enough room or time here to list. I had a nasty temper which constantly got me in trouble and usually a double punishment because I'd always say "one more word." You might say I was spanked/grounded a lot.

  • 13 years ago

    When I was in 4th grade, a bunch of boys told me a 'funny story', then told me to re-tell it in front of the whole English class. I was so naive that I had no idea it wasn't a 'mixed company' story - it was a very bad story. I was sent to the principal's office for half a day and got grounded when I got home.

    Yet today, I get sick to my stomach remembering this incident. Of course, it wasn't the last stupid thing I ever did!

  • 13 years ago

    I grew up on a dairy farm where we basically grew everything we ate. We raised some huge Berkshire hogs for our own meat, and every fall we would slaughter about three or four hogs averaging about 800lbs dressed weight each. We had a huge smokehouse, but by the time I was about 13yrs old there was a commercial smokehouse nearby so Granpa used to take our hams, shoulder hams and bacon sides to the smoke house. He would also take all the fat to be rendered to lard and all the trimmings which he had ground into sausage. When it came back from the smokehouse we would cover all the hams and bacon with heavy paper sacks that we got cowfeed in and hang them in the attic. We then had about 300 to 400lbs of sausage in bulk that had to be broken down into 1 or 2lb packages, wrapped in butcher paper and packed in the chest type deep freeze.

    After about 4 hours of packaging the sausage my cousin and I were getting totally bored with the whole mess, and you know how young boys are when they get bored....LOL

    There I was, magic marker in hand, and writing sausage on the package when my cousin says, "Hey, why do they call it sausage? If you grind up a cow they call it ground beef, why don't they call this stuff "ground hog?"

    Sounded good to me, so I began marking the packages "Ground Hog" and putting them in the freezer. Now everybody at the farm knew what I had done and they all thought it was funny, but the following spring we were sitting at the table eating some of the sausage for lunch and my Aunt came in. She says, "Boy, that stuff smells great, what are you guys eating?"

    Quickly I piped up, "Just some ground hog patties and potatoes, would you like some?"

    She says, "Surely you aint eating no groundhog?

    I said, "Sure, look at the label on the wrapper, it's right there on the sideboard"

    She looked at it and I thought she was gonna turn green, and to this day she will not eat any food at our table.

  • 13 years ago

    I got my mouth washed out with soap at age 3 for cursing repeatedly when my little sister stole my little purse.

    I think I got grounded a few other times, once for lying about my friend's mom being home so we could play at her house. Of course my mom then asked to speak with her to verify and I got busted. That was the last day of 5th grade.

    I didn't really get into much trouble until I was a teenager. I won't even get started on my shenanigans during those years, although I hardly ever got caught because I was pretty sneaky.

    A funny thing I did once that I never got caught for was when I stole my own tooth fairy money. In elementary school (I think I was in first grade), if we found money on the playground, we were supposed to turn it into the office. At the end of each quarter, if the money was unclaimed, they would tape the change to a notecard and pass them back to the students in class. I wanted to get change back in class SO bad when the other kids did!

    So, I lost a tooth and the tooth fairy left me 2 nickels which were set up on a hutch in our living room until I found something to buy with it. I snuck in there when my parents weren't looking, and took one of the nickels. I turned it into the office the next day at school. That night at dinner, my parents asked if anyone had taken it or seen it and I lied and said no. It was the first time I remember lying to my parents and I felt guilty for YEARS. I finally confessed at probably 18 years old and they didn't even remember the incident.

    By the way, I did get the nickel back at the end of the quarter! LOL

  • 13 years ago

    Heavens forbid.

    When I was about two some family men were playing croquet. I saw the pretty rolling ball and picked it up.
    It must have been an importenat game because my father and the others got so mad. He started spanking me.

    My young mother came off of the porch to rescue me. My grandfather (her FIL) told her to go back. I got spanked more because I would not put the ball back. No one had ever stood up to my grandfather, but my mother jerked me up and told him that "he should have put a little leather on his own kids and maybe they would not have been so sorry."

    I never see a croquet set that I do not remember that.
    The story was told and retold. Some women in the family were supportive of my mother's actions, others thought she had committed a sin.

  • 13 years ago

    Like LndaKathy, I always had ONE more word to say. My dad took to calling me "Last Word Lizzie".

    At about age 6, when I was learning to write cursive, I thought my name looked so pretty I wrote it on nearly everything. While doing her Saturday cleaning, Mom would upturn the kitchen chairs and hang them on the kitchen table. I saw a flat surface (the underside of the chairs) and wrote my name. When Mom saw it, she asked me about it and of course I denied it. I said that my brother had done it. She asked why he would do that and I replied that he was just trying to get me in trouble. She didn't buy it. I don't remember the punishment, but she was pretty angry.

  • 13 years ago

    One time I pruned my Grandma's young trees in her front yard and another time I painted a nice red stripe on my Dad's jigsaw. I think I got yelled at.


  • 13 years ago

    Sad to say, my parents never spanked me or really disciplined me and I truly needed it. (Especially the way I treated my brother) Guess it was because my Dad came from a divorced family, and my mom was the only girl and oldest child. I spent many summers with one set of grandparents and never got spanked, but really knew when I disappointed my grandparents and that made me feet so bad I would cry for hours . Example: I decided at about 11 years, I could hatch baby chicks in my GM electric oven (on very low) better than the mother hen. At noon time GP came in to eat his noon meal and GM was having trouble getting it on the table because of me. GP and I had a talk, and after dark GM had to put the eggs back under the hen. They all hatched, but I was still mad.
    As to my own kids, we spanked a bit much,but usually for something very serious. But not of the kids ever resented it

  • 13 years ago

    When I was in first or second grade , I got a bad mark on work page about vowels. I took it home and gave it to my neighbor, Mrs Gross and told her to bury it. Of course she gave it to my mother. I don't remember the punishment but I was mad at Mrs Gross for awhile. I must have been a little slow. Why didn't I tear it up and throw it away myself ?

  • 13 years ago

    When I was in high school, I got punished for something I didn't do. There was a food fight in the cafeteria. I was an innocent victim. I got pelted with jello, milk and other foods. My clothes were a mess and I started to cry. The principal came in (a woman) and gave everyone detention. I told my parents, please, I didn't do it, call the principal. But they wouldn't. I felt betrayed and went to detention bravely. I also did something bad my senior year. My friend Lynn wrote an essay. I turned it in to the school newspaper, saying I had written it and it was printed. Lynn got so mad she never spoke to me again. Ever.

  • 13 years ago

    We used to write on the sidewalks with chalk, drawing pictures or making a hop scotch board. One day I decided that the walk in front of our house was too rough so I went to the walk nextdoor, it was new smooth concrete. Trouble is that I used crayon instead of chalk. Grandma made me take a bucket and brush and go scrub that walk every day until it faded away. I cried for a week...

  • 13 years ago

    I remember what seems like a lot of spankings, but when I try to remember what they were for I draw a blank. But one or two I remember.

    I was a really timid child. These days I would've been taken to a psychologist--and with good reason. I was terrified by nearly everything. I was around 4 when we moved to town. Before that my world revolved around family--parents, grandparents, two older sisters and aunts and uncles. Suddenly the world became a very large and scary place to me.

    One summer my aunt (grandfather's sister) came from Wyoming to visit my grandparents and her other siblings. She really wanted to see us kids (there were four of us then) and after dinner one evening they came to visit. Well, being afraid, I hid. I hid really, really well. They searched the whole house and then mother panicked and was almost hysterical so they searched the neighborhood.

    All this time I was laying across two chairs that were pulled up to the dining table and they couldn't see me even when they looked under the table. I finally came out; even kids know when enough is enough. Everything was fine until the company left and boy, did I get it. And well deserved, I must say.

  • 13 years ago

    patti - that is a great story!

  • 13 years ago

    Patti--I was also a very frightened child but probably would have been too scared to do what you did. :) I often wonder why I was so scared of absolutely everything.... Though I do remember spankings, I don't remember what they were for; probably procrastinating on a chore. I don't remember willingly doing anything "bad."

  • 13 years ago

    I remember one night all four of us (my parents, brother and I) were all sitting around the dinner table. Daddy made some comment about Fatty Arbuckle. It struck my brother and me as exremely funny. Daddy kept trying to explain who he was, etc. and we kept laughing. It must have been one looong, hot day on that county bridge crew for daddy because we got sent away from the table for laughing.

    To this day my brother and I will occasionally mention Fatty Arbuckle and both of us will grin! LOL

  • 13 years ago

    I can only recall being spanked once. I was very young. I don't remember what I had done, but my mother did spank my bottom. I was horrified. I was convinced for weeks that some terrible magic had replaced my own dear Mother with A Stranger.

    My mother was so beset with worry and responsibility that I never wanted to cause her concern. I was mainly *too* good and cautious. (My father left us for his secretary before I can recall his ever living with us; the divorce didn't take place until I was six.)

  • 13 years ago

    After reading these posting it is amazing how well all of us turned out. Guess a few spankings never hurt us emotionally. It is really too bad the kids today don't get a swat or two, well placed, detention, or even talked to.

  • 13 years ago

    I don't remember ever getting an actual spanking, I am sure when I was really young I did get them just don't recall it.
    I would get sent to the corner however.

    I had gone shopping with my mom and big sister in the BIG city (we were from a very small town), they were looking for a special dress for my sister for some event. Well I was so tired of being dragged around that I crawled up under one of the round dress displays (it had a floor to it) and just fell asleep. My mom finally noticed I was not right there and went into panic mode, they searched and then started hollering then the store workers got into the act. I never heard a thing I was so insulated in my little nap spot sleeping soundly. Someone finally saw my little shoe poking out from under the dresses. My mom was about to have a stroke by then. She screamed at me then nearly hugged the stuffing out of me. I tell you one thing I never did that again.

    Another time I got a talking to was when mom came out on to the front porch and looked at me and my dog and said what are you eating? Well it was a box of doggie treats, but I was sharing with my dog!! I thought they were regular cookies! My dog really loved my cookies LOL I thought they were a bit dry myself.

    Now this one not so much did I get in trouble as did my 2 much older sisters! Our house was just down the road from my grandparents so we would walk or ride bikes back and forth. There was a huge barn at my grandparents with a hay loft and a big opening on one end to load the hay in and out of with a rope dohickey out of it to raise and lower the hay. We did not know it but my mother could see that barn and opening through the kitchen window at the sink (at our house).
    One day my sisters decided we would go up to the loft and swing on the rope thing, which meant we were dangling in the air very high above the ground. Then they decided to make me do it! So of course I did. They lift me up and I grab on to the rope and the push me out of the hay loft, there I was dangling. Well at that very moment my mother was at the sink and looked out and all she saw was me(her baby) dangling out of the hayloft by a rope!!
    I do not know how she came across that field over the fences, I think maybe she flew...
    My sisters got the whipping of their lives and I got the stuffing squeezed out of me again! And of course told to never do that again no matter what my stupid sisters said.

  • 13 years ago

    Ravencajun, we used to swing from the rope in the hay loft, too. We'd get a flying start and let go of the rope and fall on the other side in the hay bales. Luckily we never missed because it was a long way down! We never got caught, though. :-)

  • 13 years ago

    Mine involves goofing off at parochial school. Several of us decided to start making popping sounds during class, putting our finger in our mouth, puffing up with air and popping. We were quite good at it, and loud. The teacher didn't think it was funny so he had us stand up in front of the class for 5 minutes and perform our popping which was more embarrassing than anything. I didn't ever do that again.

  • 13 years ago

    The only spanking I remember getting,(probably deserved more, but Mom just didn't spank) I was at my Aunt Florence's house playing with my cousins and we were all jumping on her bed. I was the only one who got spanked because "it wasn't my house" I never forgot the unfairness of that spanking.

  • 13 years ago

    only one spanking from my dad, ever..i sassed my great aunt who was visiting...he didn't paddle, only a couple of spanks...

    i actually had, what i thought, a good reason...she'd turned out the kitchen light and there was a big bug (roach maybe?) and was afraid, cause i couldn't see it anymore....

  • 13 years ago

    I was about 9 or 10 and had been playing with friends a block away. I was forbidden to see these two sisters, and I now know it was because they were usually home alone while their parents worked at their store, and they were wild.

    Our dinner hour was at the dining room dinner table with all 6 of us served by our father from the bowls and platters of food. Conversation was interesting and lively as Dad often would regale us with stories from vaudeville or whatever. A lull in the conversation occurred, and so I piped up and asked, "Daddy, what does 'F---' mean?" Whoa, there were fireworks, and my parents knew I had broken the rules and been with those sisters again.

    Isn't it interesting--these days no one would be able to spot where a kid had been who used that word since it is so commonly used. I had never heard the word before, and made the mistake of asking my father for a definition.

  • 13 years ago

    Not really a child, but I skipped out of school, a lot! :(

  • 13 years ago

    I was 7. At a birthday party I peeked around the blindfold to cheat, and got caught at it.... I learned immediately that you play for fun, not to win. My kids and grandkids probably got tired of me telling them about it.

  • 13 years ago

    AS A GROUP me and my brother, and sisters got into a lot of trouble, having been raised by wolves ;).

    1. Shoveling the sand from our sand box into the above ground pool. Hey, all beaches have SAND in the water don't they?

    2. Pulling up the sod piece by piece and throwing it into the in-ground pool that replaced the one we had filled with sand.

    In my defense, I was barely walking when the two above things happened, and can hardly be made accountable.

    Once I was getting my knuckles rapped with a ruler at school, and it hurt so bad I grabbed the ruler before she could hit me again, and gave her hand a good whack. An angry nun is not a good nun. Barely survived that one.


  • 13 years ago

    The only thing I can remember is when I was in elementary school 5th grad I stood up in class and told the teacher off. Can't remember what it was about. My girlfriend rememers it to this day and reminds me of it whenever we talk. I know Mom must have been called to school
    for a while I had to report to the principal's office evrey day and actually got to ring the bell once.

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