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"low residue diet"

I'm scheduled for a second (in three years) colonoscopy on Tuesday. No big deal, right?

Well, this time, my doctor's orders are for a 'low residue ' diet for three days prior to my clear liquid day. This goes almost totally against my eating habits.

No whole grains, legumes, raw fruits and veggies, nuts! I have a big green 'sludgie ' every day. I am allowed refined grains, of which I have none in the house. White rice? Haven't fixed that in forty years.

I can have most cooked veggies, thank goodness; most meats and fish. INSTANT grits, some hot cereals, oh my. Eggs and some dairy are okay.

My system is going to suffer. I guess I can buy some instant oatmeal (ick) and doctor it up with cooked, peeled apple slices and other soft fruits.

I'm worried about not being able to have all of my raw stuff, my whole grains, and legumes! Waaah. Any suggestions?

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