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Colonoscopy time for me

9 years ago

In my efforts to be a healthy senior, I have finally scheduled a routine colonoscopy. I had put it off for years because of the prep, but now that a prep product that has been available in Canada for years is now available in the US, I'm going forward.

I have been doing lots of reading on making the prep easy, and there are suggestions to go on a low residue diet for the days leading up to the prep - the theory being that the less stuff in your body, the less the prep has to remove, and cramping is reduced.

But wouldn't you know it, the healthy diet that is helping me lose weight is the stuff you shouldn't eat on a low residue diet. On the other hand, a few days of guilt-free donuts sounds attractive. And waffles for breakfast!

I've been the driver/waiter a couple of times for other people, so I know the system, and I don't mind anesthesia, so the procedure doesn't overly concern me. But the prep - ugh.

Comments (57)

  • graywings123
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    The new stuff is called Prepopik. It's been available in Canada for years under the name Pico Salax. The advantage of it is that you only have to drink 5 ounces of the solution, followed by 40 ounces of a clear liquid of your choice over the next five hours. Then you repeat the process later in the day or the next day depending on the time of your procedure, drinking the 5 ounces of Prepopik and then 24 ounces of clear liquid. It's not bad tasting, according to a friend of mine who used it.

    I had to call around to a few gastro doctors to find one who uses it.

  • User
    9 years ago

    I have never had one and I am sixty! In Canada you can have one only if your fecal occult blood test comes back positive is what I have been told. I did have to prep though about twenty years ago when I was tested for cancer in my large and small colon. I had diarrhea for almost a year so I finally went to my dr. They found nothing and I was told it must have been due to stress (I was under a lot of stress then) I remember the prep though how awful that was. You couldnt eat for 3 days prior, only have water and then drink 3 bottles a day of this vile ether tasting liquid. I was so weak at the time of the procedure that I fainted!

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  • bonnieann925
    9 years ago

    DH and I just had our recently. The prep was so much easier. All the prep products could be picked up at CVS-Laxatives, stool softeners, Gas-X, The low residue diet is KEY! We both found this prep much easier than drining that horrible gallon of goop.

  • dedtired
    9 years ago

    I chugged the gatorade with Miralax, preceded by a stool softener. Had to eat only clear stuff ahead of time. After that, it was only a matter of sitting on the throne until everything passes. Bring a book. It was not in any way painful, just unpleasant. The actual procedure was nothing.

  • tinam61
    9 years ago

    Gray - what you listed is what my doc calls the "half and half".


  • Annie Deighnaugh
    9 years ago

    I had mine about 8 yrs ago. The prep was not pleasant, but I didn't get sick. However, my little bottom got so sore from all the material coming out and the wiping. Vaseline is definitely your friend. I also went on a low residue diet for a day before...I think 2 days before would be even easier.

    Also they gave me fentanyl as anesthetic and it had the effect of wiping out my memory entirely for a couple of hours after the procedure. It was good that DH was with me as I had no recollection of what the doc said to me....I had no recollection of the drive home or the phone call I answered or anything else. Very weird.

  • LucyStar1
    9 years ago

    For my first colonoscopy which was about 12 years ago, I got so sick from the prep that I didn't think I was going to be able to leave the house to have it done. I had my second colonscopy last year. I took Miralax and Gatorade and I was fine. I think it was the electrolytes in the Gatorade that helped me to not get the sick like I was dying feeling.

  • gsciencechick
    9 years ago

    I have to have another one this summer. Last year I had my first one, and there was only one polyp, but it was pretty large, so I have to have a repeat to check they got it all.

    I did not think the prep was bad other than it tasted like alka seltzer. It was a split prep where I drank the stuff in the evening and then in the early hours of the morning. I drank a lot of Gatorade during the day. The worst part of that for me was no solid food. There is only so much Gatorade, apple juice, and broth one can drink. I felt like I had no energy. By the end of the day every type of food commercial on TV looked like the most wonderful food ever.

    I asked the dr's office about the low residue diet. I can see why they said I didn't have to bother because most Americans eat that way. If you eat healthy such as a lot of fiber, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc., you may want to look into it. Just Google low residue diet.

    Need to call probably this upcoming week to see when I can get it done.

  • Faron79
    9 years ago

    My 1st one was last December.
    Yeah...for a day or 2 before, there was a strict "menu" to follow. Wasn't bad though...

    Then "the prep" started @ 9pm the night b4....24hrs. ahead of scheduled procedure. It was a gallon jug of "Go Lytely"...LOL!
    It was hard to keep chugging that stuff! I should've tried the Crystal-Lite! I did use some 7-up & apple-juice too though.

    Actual procedure?
    Like a breeze! Lightly slept thru 95% of it I think!
    My result was totally boring thankfully! Only 1 small polyp removed, & tested as nothing. So...I don't have to return for 10 years they said!


  • annac54
    9 years ago

    I've had two. Both of them were scheduled for first thing in the morning. I figured I could cheat a little bit on the timing of chugging the prep on the first one and waited till I got home from work to start. Bad idea. Just could not stomach drinking the whole thing that quickly.

    Second one was not as bad. Took half a day off so I could start in plenty of time and stretched out the time between drinks to the max recommended. Found if I washed my mouth out with ice water and also drank some after each round of prep, I could handle it better.

  • User
    9 years ago

    Oh my goodness...... ... I never realized the prep was such a process!

  • ratherbesewing
    9 years ago

    Graylings:I also had the 6 Oz prep followed by water. It really wasn't that bad - the second dose took a little effort to get down (my 2nd dose was at 2 AM). My friend gave me a hint to use a straw when drinking the prep--it helps you to avoid the taste buds.

  • OllieJane
    9 years ago

    I've had four colonoscopies. Each one, the drinking solution had gotten better, but still tastes awful. I drank with a straw too, which really helps. I just have to let the anesthesiologist (sp?) know that I get sick very easily and they put something in it, and it's worked. Except the first time, I did get sick since they didn't know. I have never gotten sick during the prep-just would gag after drinking it.

  • pammyfay
    9 years ago

    Yeah -- if you have a liquid prep, gulping it down extra cold with a straw will help. Also: Someone here or on the Kitchen Table board recommended 2 things, which I appreciated and were beneficial: Trade up for a very soft TP, and baby-rash cream or ointment will be very soothing.

    Also remember that you can't drive to the place yourself -- and you need somebody there to take you home, as well (my place doesn't allow you to take a bus or cab, either).

  • gsciencechick
    9 years ago

    Sheesharee and others, please don't let the prep scare you from having this important procedure done. I had NO symptoms or family history yet had a large polyp. Just schedule it for a time where you can take a couple days downtime for the prep and the procedure days, again, making sure you have someone to take you and bring you home.

    They said I could resume my normal activity, but the next day I was not quite feeling up for Spinning, LOL.

  • outsideplaying_gw
    9 years ago

    Mine was also about 8 years ago and my experience was almost exactly like gsciencechick's. Two small doses of a drink that wasn't too bad in early evening and early morning. But I was ready to gnaw my arm off by 2 pm the following afternoon! I do not like Gatorade anyway, Jello lost it's appeal after the first 3 cups and I just wanted something to chew! Went to our favorite Thai restaurant and they strained some of their broth for me. Best thing I 'ate' all day. Next time I am going there first and getting a quart or two of the stuff.

  • violetwest
    9 years ago

    A great pre-procedure recipe is Dr. Weil's garlic broth, which is an easy light soup I make frequently. Makes a nice change from sweet stuff!


    Here is a link that might be useful: Garlic Broth

  • 4boys2
    9 years ago

    Outside~ I know exactly what you speak...
    I only like the blue Gatorade and that's a no-no.

    I picked-up my favorite broth based soup and strained it.
    Keep the goodies to eat the day after !!

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    9 years ago

    Of course, to me, the real stunner is how much comes out. I swear I didn't eat that much! But I guess it really adds up....great incentive to start a diet or at least spend some time thinking about portions.

  • tinam61
    9 years ago

    I think the problem is Annie - how LONG the food can stay in your system (some have more problem with this than others), than the actual amount, although that would certainly be a consideration.


  • sc_irish
    9 years ago

    At the time, I delayed.....and delayed having mine done. When I finally got around to it....I found out I could have possibly avoided the outcome had I done it in a 'timely' fashion. Following the directions for 'go-lightly', procedure done, THEN I hear there are issues. Surgery will be needed. In my fog (thank goodness DH was at my side) I made some reference to having the surgery 'when we return next summer'. Nope! This was a Wednesday, and surgery was scheduled for Friday!!!! Thus.....another prep session was in order....only this time, I got the pills! So, so much easier. The end result was that I lost 1/3 of my colon.....but all is good. I kidingly commented to my dear Dr. that this must be the same sort of prep that all the movie stars use just before the Academy Award shows......since I never felt so svelte in my life!!!

  • awm03
    9 years ago

    Gosh I didn't have any of the problems some of you guys had -- no cramping or vomiting or heaves. I drank some kind of lemon flavored liquid in the evening, and kept good reading material on hand to wait out the purge.

    The one thing I'd do differently is to start the flushing procedure a few hours earlier. I was up at 1 am draining the last bits, and had to be up at 6 am to begin the colonoscopy. I'd rather have had a few more hours of sleep.

    But on the whole, I was surprised by what a big deal it isn't.

  • hhireno
    9 years ago

    To help reassure those who haven't done one yet, I didn't have any of the cramping or heaving problems either. The thought of the whole thing is 100 times worse than the actual prep or procedure.

  • OllieJane
    9 years ago

    I had no problems except drinking the solution the first time was like 5 huge bottles, and then me getting sick because of anesthesia, but I have learned to let them know before that I get sick with any type anesthesia, and they remedied it by putting something in it. Probably most people don't have that problem anyway.

    I think the amount you drink and the solution has gotten so much better over the years. The last three times I had it done, was no big deal at all.

  • golddust
    9 years ago

    Just got my letter yesterday. It's time for another colonoscopy. Time flies, doesn't it?

  • graywings123
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    It's over! My colonoscopy went fine. The Prep-o-pic was as easy and good tasting as reported. I highly recommend it, even if you have to do as I did - calling around to find a gastro doctor who is familiar with it.

  • tinam61
    9 years ago

    Thanks for reporting back Gray! Glad all went well. I'm not sure what my doc uses (no pills I do know that), but I will ask. I'm not willing to change docs, but hopefully they use that!


  • gsciencechick
    9 years ago

    I am scheduled in a couple of weeks for my repeat procedure.

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    9 years ago

    So glad for the good news! Thanks for the update. I'm thinking it'll be my turn soon...

  • bestyears
    9 years ago

    Well, just went in today for my third colonoscopy in ten years. What a freaking disaster!!!!

    This doc uses MoviPrep. I asked him about the Piko Salax at my first appt. with him, but he said he didn't feel it was reliable (which could simply mean he hasn't looked into it of course). Anyway, I explained this was my 3rd time around, that the prep had been horrible the first time, but that the second time, after doing some reading, I'd figured out how to better handle the prep, and it was much better (see above post). So I said, I'd like to do it the same way again, of course. But no, he MUCH preferred the MOVIprep, nobody really has problems with it, and I couldn't use Coke, but Sprite was okay. He seemed so confident that I agreed. MoviPrep is apparently the new style where you take the first liter at 4pm and the second liter at 2 am. Despite following directions to a T, NOTHING had happened by 9 pm -a full 5 hours after the first dosage. So I called the nurse hotline number he'd given me, and the nurse told me to take the second dose right then. So of course I did, right to the letter, and trust me, it wasn't easy sucking down another liter of this hideous stuff on top of the first liter and the 16 oz of clear liquid after. I was ridiculously bloated. Nauseous too, and eventually got a searing headache. I slept from about 10-12, and then the second dose started to work -which meant I was then up, down, up, down all the rest of the night until I left for the hospital, with a horrible headache and nausea.

    When I got to the hospital I explained my prep experience, and that I didn't feel I was as fully cleaned out as I had been the first two times, but together the doc and I decided to give it a go. He seemed fairly dismissive of my headache, (said the general sedative they were giving me would take care of it quickly, but he did put meds in the IV for my nausea. And then it turns out that he couldn't complete the procedure because sure enough I wasn't cleaned out enough. And guess what, I STILL had my raging headache. I think the worst part was that he really seemed to think that I probably hadn't done the prep right. Wants to do it again, STILL with the Moviprep, but this time adding an extra 1/2 day on the front end of liquid only diet (instead of just one day), and also I have to drink some magnesium sulfate with the Moviprep. The part of my colon he could see had no issues. Honestly, I can't imagine talking myself into doing another one anytime soon, and it will definitely be with a different doctor.... ugh!

  • graywings123
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    I'm just coming back and reading your post, bestyears.

    My decision was to doctor-shop for one that would accommodate my desire for an easy prep. It took about a half-dozen phone calls around my city, and then lots on-hold time to get to the phone of the specific doctor's nurse to leave a message, then waiting for call-backs from them to find out what prep the doctor used.

    This procedure is important and yet invasive and it requires a lot of preparation by the patient. It seems to me that the medical societies for gastroenterology would encourage the doctors to try what is clearly an easier prep.

    I also think that doctors could suggest things like eating a low-residue diet in the week leading up to the prep. There is nothing in the prep directions about that, but yet doing that and eating lightly makes it an easier prep.

  • osagecounty
    9 years ago

    MoviPrep is apparently the new style where you take the first liter at 4pm and the second liter at 2 am. Despite following directions to a T, NOTHING had happened by 9 pm -a full 5 hours after the first dosage.

    I had a similar experience, but after the second dose which I took about 4 hours early things started moving. I think I'd rather go back to the old way of doing it even though it means drinking much more liquid.

  • tinam61
    9 years ago

    I've had the same GI doc for several years (had gallbladder removed, ulcerations at one point, etc.) and am so thankful for her. She knows of my mom's pancreatic cancer and watches me a bit more closely because of that. I see her yearly. I've also had to have a few of the upper scopes done due to pre-ulcerous (erosion) conditions. She is great as is the staff at the hospital's endoscopy center and really work with you to make the procedure as bearable as possible. Let's face it, it's not going to be pleasant. If they cannot do the colonoscopy (I go to a teaching hospital if that makes any difference), they send you upstairs and do the camera pill test.

    Finding a good doctor, one who will listen to your concerns about the test and work with you to make it easier, not dismissing your concerns, is important. Bestyears, I hope you are able to find someone like that and that your next experience is much easier!

  • maire_cate
    9 years ago

    I had my second colonoscopy last week and my GI prescribed the same prep the Graywings used. It was a breeze compared to the gallon of Go Lightly I used for my first prep.

    When I told my GI how much easier this prep was he agreed and said most of his patients have preferred it. All I can say is thank heavens it was easy because I now have to get another colonoscopy in 18 months. I had 3 benign polyps but apparently they were in an area where malignant polyps tend to form and they were a little more difficult to remove.

  • bestyears
    9 years ago

    I saw my primary today, and was hoping she might say that was a "good enough" colonoscopy, which of course was foolish thinking on my part. She did give me the name of a gastro she likes a lot, and when I logged onto the Prepopik sit, did a Dr. search, and lo and behold, this new gastro is listed. Phew. So I'll probably schedule it in the next month or so.

  • graywings123
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    Bestyears - the list on the Prep-o-pik website is just a list of gastros in your area. You have to call the gastro and ask if they allow you to use the product for the prep. The first three I called from that list did not use it.

    And it takes some time - you call the office, explain what you are trying to find out, then they transfer you to the doctor's nurse and you listen to a long recorded message, then you leave your message and wait for a phone call. At least that was my experience four times over before I found a gastro that said yes.

  • oldfixer
    9 years ago

    The last one had better tasting prep, but didn't change the time needed to keep things moving. The actual procedure is simple.

  • Jasdip
    9 years ago

    Hubby had his prostate removed the end of May due to cancer. I remember him drinking a large bottle of some kind of liquid and some pills. And to drink lots of water. He also had to give himself an enema.

    We're in Canada too and I haven't heard of that easy, good-tasting prep. I didn't know you could drink colas, either.

    But he had absolutely no problems with cramping, headaches or any other abnormal symptoms, and everything moved quickly.
    He's had 2 penile scopes, and he'd much rather have those than colonoscopies any day!

    This post was edited by jasdip on Wed, Aug 6, 14 at 8:06

  • gsciencechick
    9 years ago

    Sorry to hear of your experience, bestyears. The MoviPrep worked for me in a matter of maybe 15-20 minutes. It was fast.

    Good luck with the different prep.

  • bestyears
    9 years ago

    oh gosh graywings, thank you! I will definitely do that then before making an appt.

  • gsciencechick
    9 years ago

    I am already home from my repeat procedure. Wow, that was fast. We had to arrive at 6:30, and we were home by 8:30. DH made breakfast. For me, still, being without solid food for 36 hours is the worst part.

    Good news in that the large polyp removed last year is totally gone and no more additional. Recheck in three years which is standard. He said with the type of polyp I had, if it were not removed, I probably would have had colon cancer by my mid-50's. So, do not mess around with this and get screened. I had no symptoms or family history.

    Going to take it easy the rest of the day. DH is home with me. We'll probably watch some movies.

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    9 years ago

    Glad for the good news gsciencechick.

    I had forgotten about this...just for fun...

    Here is a link that might be useful: Dave Barry on colonoscopy

  • tinam61
    9 years ago

    Great news GS! It is a very important test. I know you are glad to get it over with!!

  • gsciencechick
    9 years ago

    LOL, the Dave Barry article is awesome. Here the the previous one on the Colossal Colon.

    Still working on getting my energy level back and resume my normal eating. I don't have to go back to work until Monday. I re-scheduled my weights workout for tomorrow. But I can't say enough how relieved/happy I am given the outcome of yesterday's procedure.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Colossal Colon

  • bonnieann925
    9 years ago

    GS-great news! My DH had a similar polyp. His doc recommended informing his siblings, which he did. They all had colonoscopies to be sure.

    Graywings, as I posted earlier, a low-residue diet is key. I am sorry your doc did not include that in the prep instructions. That is one of the top items in the check-list our GI doc sends out prior to the appointment.

    We have come a long way to eradicate colon cancer, due to public awareness on the importance of a colonoscopy. The prep has improved so much. I don't understand why some docs do not send out detailed directions on how to eat for the week prior to the procedure. That's sad. There really should be no need to suffer!

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    I am doing prep today for a colonoscopy tomorrow. Doing the split dose of Prepopik. I had the first 5 ounces around noon. I have the orange flavor - tastes like AirBorne, fizzy and pleasant. Followed by clear liquids of my choice. I had water, mint tea, coconut water, chicken broth. Took second dose around 6pm. More clear liquids. The first dose took 2 hours to work. From that point on, every time I drank liquids I'd have to visit the bathroom. I think the first dose cleared me out completely. The second dose has had no effect so far, even after drinking 40 ounces of clear liquids. I've had no nausea or side effects with either dose. Getting ready for bed now. I expect to be able to sleep normally. The procedure is at noon tomorrow. I can recommend this prep.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Timely discussion. I’ve had two colonoscopy’s done, and the prep has always been the biggest obstacle. Had the Golightly last time and that was much easier than the first, but still a real struggle to consume all the fluids necessary. I’m due for another this year, so I will definitely discuss Prepopik with my GI and insist on it. Anything to make that part easier, since the procedure itself is so easy.

  • mustangs81
    8 years ago

    Thanks for sharing your experiences and suggestions.

    Prep for my only colonoscopy 4 years ago was not bad; my issue is the embarrassing invasion though I know how important this procedure is. I did tell the technician not to make fun of me while I was under.

    The proctologist's last words to me were "see you in 10 years". I've been clinging to that but now wonder if I should go back sooner.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Back and feeling fine. No polyps. I know they say every 10 years, but I have been reading that if your first one shows no polyps you can do stool samples for the next one. I am going to look into it.

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