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Target in Canada.......not popular

10 years ago

A recent poll shows that Canadians aren't enamored with Target at all. It was at the bottom of the list for customer service. Personally I know a number of people who went to Target when it first opened, but the novelty has worn off quickly and there's not a lot of business. In fact, the one store where a friend's son works has cut back the staff hours dramatically.

We haven't been there at all yet. They're flyer which just started coming in the paper doesn't have anything at all to attract me.

Target was at the bottom of the list, and Costco was #1.
Walmart was somewhere in the middle. They have a problem with having enough stock in store. Sounds like my Walmart, they never have what they advertise.

Of course, they said right from the get-go that they weren't going to be able to match US pricing, which is the big draw for Canadians going to Target in the States.

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