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Game at our Family Reunion

9 years ago

Over the past several days I was at a family reunion at which we play several games. One my wife had learned a couple of months ago was a lot of fun. Everyone is given a stack of pieces of paper (about 4" x 6") that are numbered from 1 to 10.

Each person then writes a sentence on the first piece of paper, and passes the stack to the person to their left. That person reads the sentence, and does their best to draw a representation of the sentence. They then place the initial sentence on the bottom of the pile, and pass the stack with their drawing on top to their left.

That person then looks at the picture, and tries to write a sentence describing what is depicted and passes that sentence to their left, for that person to draw. And so on, until all of the pieces of paper in each stack are complete. Then whoever finished a given stack presents the results to the rest of the players. The results can be quite amusing.

I saved one of the stacks, and scanned in the pictures:

It started with the sentence:

The sly fox jumped over the fence.

for which someone drew:

The next person saw that drawing and wrote:

Horse jumping over field fence.

The next person drew:

For which the next person wrote:

Hmmm, I wonder if I can jump out of my paddock.

Which was drawn by me as:

The next person described my drawing as:

A horse is unsure if he should jump out of his paddock or not.

Which was drawn as:

The next person interpreted this as

The horse doesn't know if it is a whole horse or just the butt of a horse.

which was drawn as:

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