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Internal Errors. Let me break it down.

11 years ago

This is making me nuts and disgusted even more with iVillage and their supposed "upgrades". They can't even get this right.

However, many of you veterans should know this by now, but evidently are having brain burps. Newbies? Here's the scoop:

When you submit and get an internal error, DO NOT GO BACK AND SUBMIT AGAIN AND AGAIN. You've posted. It's there.

This "I don't know why it posted twice" or "sorry for the duplicates" is unnecessary and redundant. Everyone knows no one means to do that. But you don't have to keep repeating this insanity. (It took me a long time to get that to work.)

If you don't believe me, open the board in another window, click on that thread and look to the bottom.

Lo and behold! There your post will be.

So please stop rabidly clicking the Submit button? Someday these inept web designers will get it right, rather than subjecting us to more advertising experiments.

Thank you for your time, understanding, patience, and consideration of my unique mentality fueled by exhaustion, espresso, screwed up DirecTV, malfunctioning web host, Sandy's roof repairs, my tenants' need for a new oven, too few hours in the day to work, and lack of Reese's cups.

--- Rant ended and (1st) espresso finished ---


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