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What's more frustrating than your Christmas tree lights going out

13 years ago


Your Christmas tree lights going out AFTER you've finally completed trimming the tree which took a week due to 3-yr old twins, Dad going into the hospital, Dad staying in the hospital longer than expected, picking up Dad from the hospital, etc...etc...

I finally got done this evening and walked into the living room to enjoy it (before taking pics to post) when I realized my tree looked dark!


Our neighbor gave us their 7.5 ft frasir fir because they wanted a new one. It's a beautiful full tree but 1/2 the lights had already gone out. I decided - what the heck. Buying an artificial tree I'd truly be happy with wasn't in the budget this year and it was FREE! I have several strands of lights anyway from the Noble Firs we buy every year so I didn't think it was a big deal. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Now I have to undo it all and I just feel like crying. :(

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