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Hardwood Floor Hardening Time?

14 years ago

As part of our kitchen/family room remodel, we replaced the vinyl flooring in the kitchen with red oak laced in to match the existing hardwood floors in the family room, and had the entire floor refinished the same color.

We were out of the house for four days while the floor dried. Since we've been back, we carefully walk across the floor with our shoes off. We continue to air out the house with the windows open and have spent most of our time upstairs in our bedroom with the door closed, although now, one week later, the smell isn't too bad anymore.

My question is about hardening time. The flooring guy told us to keep everything off the floors "for as long as possible" while the floors hardened. Our hot water heater needs to be hooked up in the utility room, but to do that, we'll need to roll it across the hardwood floors to get there. But of course I don't want to risk rolling a heavy dolly across soft wood floors and leave any dents. Any idea how long we should wait before it's safe to move the water heater across the floors? What about how long we should wait before letting our contractor (with his buddy and their heavy workboots) come in to install the cabinets?

Thanks for any input!

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