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help please with sitting area final choices

14 years ago

Okay, we're really narrowing it down. Here are the main pieces going in the sitting area. Loveseat we have, chairs arrive on Tuesday. Ottoman that pleases both hubby and me and the rug we both like.

What do you think of that rug with everything?


I also need two runner rugs for the new wood floors. One in the entry way and one between the columns. Both will be right near the sitting area, especially the one between the columns.

Then I was thinking of grabbing some nesting tables so when we needed more tables in that area, I could pull them out. I sorta like the one from CL and I would get a couple of plant stands that I could use in the library. Would any of those work with the rest of this?

I still need a sofa table or something on the short wall but I'm going to wait until the chairs get here and I have a better idea of what the space can handle.

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