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Need help with master bedroom

17 years ago

I have been lurking on this site for quite a while and seeing all the wonderful information that has been given I thought maybe you would be able to help me with this project. I need help deciding what to do with my master bedroom. I have been in the house 14yrs and still not sure how to tackle this room. We have just painted the walls and a new rug is in the bed and bedside tables are staying as well as for everything else can go. The Tv is new having never figured out how to use the entertainment area whether I should put doors on it or not to hide the tv. I think that the comforter might be washed out by the color of the walls. Any help would be appreciated.














p.s. sorry for such large pictures didnt know how to make them smaller.

Comments (13)

  • 17 years ago

    that's a pretty, restful color. maybe you don't have any art on the walls since you just painted? that's the main thing that jumps out at me.

  • 17 years ago

    yes that it why I had picked the color but I feel it could use a brighter color also. I don't have any pictures as of yet I really never had much in this room. I was always so busy with all the other rooms in the house.

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  • 17 years ago

    I like that color a lot - would you mind sharing the name and paint brand?

    As far as pulling the room together, it seems like you just don't have enough stuff. I don't know why builders for the last 15 years or so have decided that people need master bedrooms the size of half the house - it always seems to cause problems because once you've got the bed and a couple dressers, you're still left with an enormous amount of space to fill. I would maybe look for two upholstered club-type chairs and a small end table to put between them to make a little sitting area where your rocking chair is now. I'd like to see window seats or built-in bookcases below each of the windows in the dormers and I'd definitely look into building doors that you could close off to hide the TV. It's a great space with lots of natural light, and I do love the paint just seems to need more "stuff" to fill it up!

  • 17 years ago

    yes the room is very large and windows are everywhere so placement of furniture is difficult. This room gets very cold in the winter since it is over the garage so I would like to put a gas fireplace in the room but cannot decide which spot would be the best. The wall color is BM Prescott Green and I did the trim in BM yellow chiffon. I know I need a sitting area just not sure where. Also the large bureau with mirror is going to go, I want to buy something smaller since I have two walk in closets which my DH, is going to put in organizers.

  • 17 years ago

    I could see a chaise in that room instead of a formal sitting area, with a little reading area. Some of your furniture is justxapositioned against each other, and not sure I would do that. That little table by the dresser could be placed beside the rocker to give you a place to set a cup of tea, a book, etc.

    I like the room color and the bedding, but I think you need to pull the furniture together, as you suggested, with another bureau and a sitting area. I think a chaise would be nice.

    Oh, I could probably do 100 things if it was my room, some of what would be tasteful and some not, but I think you are onto what you need to do, just need to get 'er done.

  • 17 years ago

    I love your bedding! I think the large room has lots of potential to become a wonderful grown up "get-away".

    Don't know how much money you're prepared to spend--but if it was my room I would convert the "entertainment" wall to a fireplace. You could then put your flat screen above the fireplace. You could even have a niche built into the wall to house it and cover it with a piece of artwork or tapestry to hide it when not in use. I would then have window seats (with storage underneath) built into the dormers. Have cushions made to fit, and then add some lovely pillows.

    I think your room would look great with a conversation area that includes a small loveseat/settee, a chair or two and a table to anchor it all together. I'd use an area rug to define it. The rug could pull more of the warm taupe/gold color into the room.

    I think the bed looks nice in the corner, but it doesn't leave much space for the bed tables. You could consider covering the triple windows with plantation shutters, then adding drapery panels on the side with matching valance on the top (mounted high). You could then place the bed in front of the windows--keep the lower plantation shutters closed and open the top. But perhaps you have a view from the window that you want to keep, I don't know.

    I think adding more substantial trim to the room will help a lot. Think wider, detailed moldings around the windows. If you build a fireplace, give it a fabulous mantle/surround. I will become a real focal point in the room.

    I would also consider replacing the dresser with a large armoire in a painted finish to contrast with the bed.

    Hope this helps!

  • 17 years ago

    I think I have been looking at this space for so long I have a mental block where it is concerned. I do find it very peaceful and I love to sit in the room at night. I have thought about putting the fireplace in the entertainment area the only problem I see is that it is at the front of the house and gas fireplaces have a huge stack going through the roof and can be quite an eye soar, but that seems to be the best place for the fireplace. also i love the idea of window seats by the two windows. I am stumped as far as what color and type of curtains to put on the windows.
    Teeda not sure what you mean by a painted armoire but it does sound so nice.
    I have also been thinking about putting french doors where the 3 windows are and putting a balcony there.
    If someone has photoshop and could do something with this space so I could have a visual I really would appreciate it.
    Thanks for all your suggestions they really have me thinking.

  • 17 years ago

    The windows in your wonderful room do present a challenge. I don't know how willing you are to lose one, but here is what I would do.

    I would look for deeper bedding - I agree that your bedding is too light - you need a richer color to transition between the pale walls and floor and the deep furniture. Not sure of the real wall color, since monitors and light can be deceiving, but perhaps something like this from JC Penney, called aqua blossom.

    Take your bed and put it up against the end wall, in front of the single window. Then take drapery that matches the bedding and hang that off wood rods in the color of the case goods behind it, closed, to create an elegant fabric backdrop for the bed. I would hang the rod pretty high, to make use of the soaring feeling of the room.

    Put your nightstands on either side, and add lamps. I would probably do wall-mount swing arms to give more height to balance the headboard.

    Do the same drapery treatment on the triple window, but just panels hung on either side, and then change out the blinds to wood or woven woods in a richer color.

    I would create a sitting area in front of the triple windows, with two comfortable upholstered chairs and a shared ottoman, done in a subtle patterned chenille or other soft fabric, in a coral/rust taken from the florals in the bedding. Table between the chairs, with a nice tall lamp.

    Do the same darker blinds on the dormer windows, and then add the matching valance there, no panels. I would build out window seats with bookshelves underneath in the dormers.

    I would move the TV to a either a closed armoire type of situation, or wall mount it and put a beautiful console below for other electronics and storage. Place that on the left side of the entry door, to balance the dresser and mirror on the right. It will be visible from the bed and from the seating area. If you can swing the new furniture pieces, I would have the dresser and armoire match the bed - the dresser that is there seems to be a different wood tone.

    I would use the niche on the wall to put in a fireplace. Not down on the floor level, but up in the niche. It will be visible from the bed that way, as well as from the seating by the window. I would change out the trim to something that matches the darker wood in the room. Something like this, from Magiglo:


    Then I would mirror just that one wall area all around the fireplace, to add sparkle and interest to the room.

    I would take out the ceiling fan and do a pretty chanelier there, add a lamp on the dresser, get rid of the spotlights on the beams or change them to something more subtle. Add some art and you are good to go.

    Oh, and I think I see dolls up on the beam? They look like they are ready to do a swan...

  • 17 years ago

    Beautiful bedding choice Les! I'd go with that suggestion Lindar were it me.
    What jumped at me right away was the different woods mix. Fab Sleigh Bed so I'd be removing the rockers and the dresser and adding more pieces as needed in the dark wood tone of the bed. I agree the side tables at odd angles to the bed don't really work. Perhaps Les's suggestion of utilizing the three window wall might be worth a try out?

    Dormer window seats idea is a great one IMHO!

    As to the FP, you don't have to go gas (and thus the attendant chimney challenge). We cannot use gas (lp in our case) in our family room due positioning/chimney . . . so we are using electric. I want it built in but can't spend the time right now figuring the whole FR thing out but DH wanted one NOW. :-)) Compromise was a $99.00 deal from Home Despot and that sucker throws a LOT of heat. He's happy and I will not feel guilty deep sixing it in a year or two when I'm prepared to *do the room*. And what is the point of this fascinating tale you ask? It's simply that there are some great electric FP's out there which don't require any kind of venting so maybe think about exploring that route.

    Great space and surely time after 14 years to get it the way you want it. :-))

  • 17 years ago

    thanks les and holly love your ideas that bedset is so beautiful. I have already ordered the comforter set. Do I need to buy the damask panel for the middle of the curtain,and also for the 3 windows, also les what do you mean by "the wood rods in the color of the case color" do you mean the casing around the window? I love the sleigh bed but all the other pieces are from my original bedroom set just haven't gotten around to buying the other pieces yet. Les I know what you mean about the dolls that was my husbands one attempt and decorating I feel like they are chucky waiting to pounce at night.
    Holly I have also looked into the electric fireplace so that is also an option. If you know of any furniture pieces you think would look good in the room I would love to kno(especially for the sitting area). I agree with you all about the window seats they would fit so well into this room just not sure les what you meant by bookshelves i guess i am having a decorating meltdown. Thanks for all your help this site is so wonderful.

  • 17 years ago

    I think you have a great space to work with!! I immediately thought have to have window seats under those dormer windows!!

    I would wrap you beams with wood and stain the same color as the bed - which is beautiful!! Position the bed under the 3 windows like Teeda suggested with shutters & dark khaki silk drapes - 2x width on each side with nightstands to the side.
    Repeat the shutters and drapes on all windows. Beautiful silk drapes will really soften your room alot. Pottery barn has some silk drapes. Maybe you have an outlet near you. I wouldn't try to exactly match your bedding, maybe a little deeper than on your bedding for the drapes.

    Since you said your losing the dresser - replace it with a tall chest of drawers to match your bed.

    Add a firebox from Home Depot in the dark wood to go under the Tv. Get a carpenter to build shelves for the TV, equipment and book shelves on each side. Dress up the mouldings - pocket doors for the TV.

    Then see where you are for seating. Maybe 2 overstuffed club chairs or the chaise. I am putting a chaise in my MB with a floor lamp and small marble table for books & hold a drink. You could probably put 2 accent/wood type chairs on each side of the fireplace.


  • 17 years ago

    les, i received the bedset you suggested from jc penney i will post pictures later to see what you think.
    I would like to put a bench at the end of the bed what would you suggest

  • 17 years ago

    Lindar -- I've been thinking about you/your MBedrm and wondering what's happening?? Did you like the bedding once you got in onto the bed? Did you take the pics? If so, will you show them to us?? :-)))

    That small chest that is over near one of the dormers, I was thinking would look attractive in the hallway (which I'm assuming from the pics is part of your MB and perhaps leads to the MBath?) with a mirror or picture arrangment over perhaps? Mirror might be best for the illusion of spaciousness and perhaps prints on the opposite wall to reflect? Nice little chest so would like to see you use it.

    Let us know whazzup - 'kay?
