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Sheesharee, I have a plan

14 years ago


I've been unable to make the original post load...and I couldn't get onto the site at all earlier. It's a mystery...

I drafted your plan at half-inch scale, which of course was too large for my (not very good) scanner, so had to fiddle about with it all for a while. But finally, if you are still interested, here are my thoughts for you.

First, your room plan. It's a bit pale, but I hope legible. If you haven't read a plan before, it's not rocket science...the shaded double lines are your walls, the openings are doorways (I haven't included door swings because I didn't ask for them), and the unshaded triple line indicates a window opening. The faint lines outside the plan are called dimension lines, and are where you find the measurements for the spaces shown by the end lines...you can, I hope, see exactly what I mean.

Then, there are two suggested arrangements. The yellow pieces you already have. The blue ones are what I am suggesting you add.

Now here's the kicker. It's my considered opinion that your problem is your loveseat. So I took it away. Have a look at the two plans, and see if you can consider moving it elsewhere, or exchanging it for something else.

I show a floor lamp in one scheme, but haven't put in any other lighting. Imagine a lamp on each table, and one either on the top of the bookcase or mounted on the wall beside the door that's on your left as you face the bookcase. That's a footstool beside it in one plan, and a floor pillow in the other.

It looked to me as if you could in fact fit the EC on the wall opposite the window, but you say no, and balancing the mass of it would present the challenge...so I haven't sent my solution that does that...but in that scheme you keep the loveseat, and put it on the wall where the ED now stands.

You can print these out and cut out the furniture bits and rearrange them to your heart's content on the blank plan if none of this works for you. If you do like any of it, we can think about what pictures go on which walls.

Here goes:

Blank plan:

Scheme 1:

In this one, your wing chair (I imagine it slipcovered) sits adjacent to the sofa with your table with the angled top between them, and a new club chair across the room. The corner where the sofa meets the EC has a 30" round table (the outer circle allows for the spread of a floor-length skirt). There are a pair of tables in front of the sofa to use for putting up feet, or moving to accommodate a group of people in two places in the room.

Scheme 2:

This one replaces the loveseat and wing chair with a pair of club chairs, and adds a tall plant behind the one nearest the EC. Your plain round wooden table is beside the chair. The two bunching tables have been replaced by a larger ottoman.

And that's today's installment!

I can make you a concept sketch of the room as I see it from a couple of angles, if it would help you visualize either of these schemes.

Yours faithfully,

Sister Aloisius etcetera....

Comments (67)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning, all...

    Okay, Shee, dear...time to take a step back.
    Thanks to all of us and our well-meaning help, you are showing all the signs of advice overload!

    If I were your designer (or your mother!), I would suggest this.
    Ask us all to take a wee break.
    Turn off your computer.
    Get out a pad of paper.

    You're going to make lists - and as you make each one, don't think about anything but the subject of that list. Don't edit yourself, or second guess yourself, or think about solutions to anything on the list.

    Make a list of all the things you all do in the room, by yourselves or with each other.
    Skip a line and make a list of all the things you would do in the room if you could.

    Turn the page. Draw the line top to bottom. On one side, make a list of all the things you like about it now. These would be things like "the furniture is comfortable" or "everyone has a favorite seat" or "the light in the afternoon" or "how close it is to the kitchen" - anything at all that you like, including things in the room that you just love.

    On the other side, make the list of what you don't like. This can include anything, like "it gets hot in the summer" or "the walls seem bare" or "the color scheme isn't having the effect I thought it would" or "nobody uses the X-Y-Z space or thing." It also includes every individual thing in the room about which you would say, "well, I have it/I bought it, so I guess I have to keep it."

    This will give you information to use when thinking about solving functional problems.

    Turn the page.
    Now ask yourself why you are drawn to the styles and colors you have chosen. How do they make you feel? What are you trying to accomplish visually? If this were a stage set, what would the play be about, and what would everyone be wearing? What do you want people to think about you when they come into the room? How does this room reinforce what you feel when you think of what home is? Is my family lively and engaged and themselves when they're in here?When I look at a picture of a room that gives me that "aaaah!" reaction, how is it different from this one? And (this is a big one) will the room I am trying to make give me ease and confidence, or will it make me feel in any way insecure, or pressured somehow to live differently?

    These exercises are meant to help you come up with what architects call the "parti." It's a set of decision rules that you use for every choice you make going forward. The parti is your tool for the discipline you need to make a good space. After you make the lists, you begin to compare them, and talk them over with your family, to see what ideas are compatible, and which ones show up in more than one place. Then you make a list of descriptive words that cover what you have discovered - it can be things like "comfort, lightness, warmth, tradition, country house, uncluttered." But be sure that these words are coming from you and your family life, not from some expectation of what you think you are supposed to want.

    Once you have a parti that covers everything you want and don't want in the room, you write it down, and every choice you make is compared to the list. If something doesn't satisfy the conditions you have set, it is left out or taken out.

    Then you can go back to all this advice and weed it out, choosing the ideas that satisfy your parti, and rejecting the rest.

    One thing is clear to me...you don't need any more advice...not from me, or anyone else, until you have made some decisions about the advice you have already heard.

    I shut up now.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shee, lucky you that Sister Mary is so nice to help out! Hope she doesn't carry a ruler!(slapping knuckles)!I know this is overwhelming and confusing, but try moving the loveseat out for a moment and move the wing chair in its place and place your smaller round table as shown in scheme 1, between the wing and couch. Put your 30" table also as shown between the sofa and EC on the right. Borrow a chair from another room and place to the left of the EC as in the mockup. This should give you a good idea of flow and placement of furniture. You still have seating for 5 in both scheme's so it is a matter of which one you like the best. My kids sat on the furniture or the floor as toddler's to watch TV! I wouldn't be worried about that now for this purpose. Don't get ahead of yourself! You will have a whole slew of things come in and take up room once the little ones start showing up...swings, bassinets, etc. As far as a chair and a half, I wouldn't use one. They are bulky and there is only room for one person, so why have another big piece of furniture taking up room when you can have a smaller scale chair serve the same purpose? I think you would find yourself in the same situation as with the loveseat. With Christmas, we ALL move the furniture for the tree! Cross that bridge when you get to it! So for now, lets get to playing...wish I could help scoot things around with you!

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    Great idea to buy a back up while they are still available. Years ago I found a great coverlet/quilt for our new king size bed. Being the inspiration for the bedroom decor at the time, it also was the perfect layering piece. When I was next at BB&B, the same coverlet was significantly discounted to make room for more stock. Still was a pricey purchase, but the discount made it so much easier to justify the purchase. So, I picked it up, and am so glad that I did! Ended up using that bedding for about 4 yrs. When you have two, you always have a back up. Also, in the event of a spill, you can wash (or in my case, professionally clean (king is too big for our washing machine) the soiled one, and put the other on the bed in the interim. It is so nice to have a back up, especially if you find a bedding piece that you really love. Also, we have 2 big labs and 4 cats, and they tend to lessen the life of certain things in the house. I do think there is something to be said for getting what you pay for. There are some things I will pay a bit more for, especially things that tend to get/take alot of use/abuse. lol
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  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shee, my soon-to-be 3 kids like to ALL sit on the couch with me every night (they are still little). DH sits in a large leather chair that's either across the room and facing us or next to the end of the couch like Bronwynsmom has it in #2 (that's my fave). Sometimes we are all spread out across and sometimes we huddle together. They do not like to sit on the floor unless they are playing. Sometimes 1 or 2 will sit in the other upholstered chair.
    We don't have a love seat and the couch/chairs setup works great.
    Also, when you have more people over you can bring the chair by the EC closer to the main grouping and if it's for TV watching bring it down toward the other club chair for the evening. A narrower traffic path isn't a big deal for one evening.

    One thing for sure, I wouldn't sell the loveseat anytime soon. Could it go downstairs in the office or playroom while you try out the new configuration? If you end up wanting to go back to it, then you just move a chair downstairs.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shee, when I got rid of my loveseat in our TV room, I replaced with a recliner that doesn't look like a recliner. I can stretch out better on it than I ever could on a loveseat. Just a thought.

    And about the kids. For a long long time, kids are watching kid shows. I don't recall DH ever watching TV with the kids until the kids got quite a bit older. I did watch occasionally with them (love Bill Nye the Science Guy) but usually spent time reading to them. The couch would serve well for that and you don't need to see the TV when reading to your kids.

    Growing up with 3 sisters, we had a big leather cushion on the floor that we loved to lie next to and just prop our heads on. An uncle gave it to the family after a trip to Africa. It was very comfortable and the grownups got the couch and chairs.

    It is good to consider all these things and to think about the room as a whole, it's function, and it's future functioning. All your thinking will pay off.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bronwynsmom - AHHhh no, no, no, wait... c'mon you can't leave me hanging. I know I finally hit total overload. Was it my jibberish about the dish drainer that gave it away, lol? This is where I normally slink away and think and reflect. I really, really was looking forward to hearing more specific thoughts. I can and will still do my homework assignment. The loveseat is the big decision...if I keep it then what? I still feel lost and I'm going to end up back here asking specific questions about lamps, tablecloths, chair size and color. Those things are really important and so far I've been unable to pull the look together. Please don't leave yet. :( I bet you're glad you're dealing with me over the computer, lol.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No, it was long before the dish drainer!
    (smiley winky face here)

    I'm afraid I can't see a good solution with the love seat in the room UNLESS you rearrange your breakfront. Here is how I would arrange things if you wanted to do that.

    This scheme would inclulde a short, fat lamp on your existing round table, a lamp on the 30" cloth-covered one, a swing-arm floor lamp beside the club chair (or recliner.(I would specify one of the new generation that is zero clearance, and that doesn't look like a recliner)_.I don't show it in the plan, but that's what I'd suggest. Then the pin-up wall lamp beside the breakfront piece that's where I had the bookcase before, and an uplight in the corner behind the tree.

    This scheme would require that you be able to block the daylight from your window if you were watching television in the daylight hours. Simple roller shades can solve this problem, if your current arrangement doesn't, and usually you can install them inside the frames underneath whatever is already there.

    You could also rotate the two side pieces to sit against the short wall and face the loveseat...which would give a nice framing to that doorway, and add to the sense of entry into the room.n (Actually as I think about it, that is probably a better idea than the way I've shown it. Then you'd be able to put a skinny little table next to the sofa to put a drink down on without getting in the way. In that case, I'd put a pair of good quality swing-arm wall lamps, one on the wall between the club chair and the side piece on that side, and the other between the other side piece and the other doorway.

    When you have settled on a plan for the room, we can discuss the other things, but the plan must come first, because it establishes the layout, and everything else will follow from that...including colors and fabrics and kinds and sizes of chairs and tables and lamps, and what to put on the walls in which places. That's how you get a balanced, intentional, finished look. Plan first, everything else after. In my world, that order of things isn't negotiable!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Plan first. *sigh* Ok. I know you're right.

    I'm assuming the sofa dimensions are correct on the sketch. IRL I swear there's going to be more space along the back wall than what shows here.

    I love how the last plan looks on paper but the book ends aren't meant to be not with the stand so they look funny at the top where the crown is and where the middle trim meets the middle large piece of the stand. Here's a bad photo but hopefully you can see what I mean. Before when I had them together I used a silk plant on top that hung down to try and hide that. The crown cuts short going back on the middle section but that doesn't bother me. The outsides of the end pieces of the stand are finished wood panels.
    I "think" I could use the bookends together in the basement, in the office. Need to check the height. That would be practical though because I will need to get some type of bookshelf down there anyhow. But I can guarantee once I convince DH to tear the stand apart yet again and do this that's it. I'd also have to have the tv jack moved or run the wires along the floor. Don't know how that works. I like that I can keep both the couch and loveseat. The blank main back wall to fill scares me. :)

    Assuming I can't use the bookends as shown in this room.............

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think your DH might start to resent this board as we have him help you move furniture up, down, back and forth. Definitely think about how you'd like to see it before bringing the new plan to him, LOL! If he thinks that you've lost your mind, he just doesn't know much about decorators. I move things all of the time!

    Bronwynsmom is right, concentrate on the big stuff and get that where you really like it. Try not to get mired down with the accent pieces. Trying to get those decided beforehand really is overwhelming...and pointless since those are so dependent on where the big pieces will be.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bronwynsmom- Also it looks like you have the loveseat off center with the middle wall so the corner forms the right angle with the couch, right? That concerns me, lol. I must be somewhat of a symmetry weirdy.

    Alex- Oh, I won't bring anything up to him until I have a clear path. He doesn't mind if "I" move things all over creation but that stand is really heavy/pain to move.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bronwynsmom - I wish we could had a place here to post files for downloads or something like that because your homework assignment to sheesharee is something we should all do before trying to tackle a space. I'm going to copy it myself for my new funky sitting area and see what I can learn.

    Thank you for sharing it.

    sheesharee - I'm rooting for you!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bronwynsmom - I'm working on my assignment and I know I need time to reflect but I'm noticing the words warm and cozy are the most common adjectives showing up.

    The last plan (waiting to hear what you think since I don't think I can use the bookends in the room. I know, I know I'm not suppose to be worrying about this right now but I think that's an important part of the plan?) all the furniture is along the walls and not "floated" which is a popular thing. Can I still achieve cozy!? I guess some rooms aren't meant to have things floating.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Actually, I do think the scale of the furniture is wrong, because when I reduced the whole business, I am not sure that the measurements remained true. They looked much too big to me, too, but I''m afraid I may have given you short shrift because of my other time commitments.

    The off-centeredness of the loveseat is in response to the placement of the EC. If you centered it on the wall with the mass of the EC on the left wall, it would look very peculiar from the door.

    I'll correct the scale, take away the bookends, rejigger the plan, and then I'll make you a concept sketch based on the placement, so that you can get an idea of what it might look like. I have time beginning tomorrow, and will get back to you. This is fun!

    Floating furniture is great when it's appropriate to the room. I urge you to let go of random concepts and stick to your homework...I promise you, we can get to cozy, but not if the room is not well laid out and balanced and easy to navigate in.

    Keep the faith...

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shee, having grown up with a total of five people in a small NYC two bedroom apartment, I know all about small spaces and making them work and you are correct, not all spaces can/need floating furniture. As far as th cable jack, you can run the wire around the room and they can attach it to the baseboard with clips. You will hardly notice it. I have done this in many places we have lived in order to use the room the way I wanted. The big pieces need to be taken care of first in order for everything else to fall into place. Pretend there are no issues and move the furniture to the desired spot and see how you like it. Then deal with the smaller things, like cable wires, crown, etc.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think bronwynsmom's lastest plan is heading in the right direction--though I agree get everything measured out carefully, then do mockups as much as you can before moving things and particularly purchasing things. I also agree with kmcg85 not to worry so much about the cable for now. When we first decided to move our TV to opposite wall in FR we rigged it up temporarily by routing a cable from a cabinet from the message center in kitchen believe it or not! My DH was very concerned about placing our TV opposite windows due to potential for glare--which turned out to be not a problem at all. The major reason that dictated our change was lack of seating and heavy contention over the seating we did have. At least in our house, no one wanted to be religated to the floor!

    Regarding the club chair, if you are serious about planning for a family, I'd consider a very comfy rocker/recliner type chair at some point in the future. DH and I spent many hours in such chairs when our babies were little--rocking, reading and feeding. Neither of us wanted to be isolated in the "nursery" and so that worked best. Given that possibility, I'd suggest not investing overmuch in any club chair and have at the back of your mind, it may need to be moved out for awhile during the baby years. Other option would be to just slipcover the wingchair and use that until such a time that you start your family. Keep in mind also kids are rough on furniture so there are lots of reasons to work with what you have now during these transitional years of having young chilren in your home. No doubt, at some point, if it hasn't already happened, your friends will also be getting married and having kids--or once you have children, you may be socializing less often with those without kids and more with those that do. Even if we do not plan on it, it seems a natural progression to gravitate towards friends who are in a similar point in life. I'm watching my neighbor's go through this right now--recently adopted a little girl and then found our she is PG after many years of being childless. Now they are selling their sports car and storing bins of toys and clothes in their garage--and that's just the exterior!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kmcg - Oh wow, to the NYC thing. My Dad said the cable is an easy fix so I'm not too worried about that now.

    Val - A recliner would fix the "need to lay down" on the loveseat problem. Finding a comfy one might be a challenge. I remember years ago helping my best guy friend pick out furniture. He wanted an overstuffed recliner. I'm not going to pick one that looks like that but man, it was sooo comfy. I'd claim it every time I was there. I'm concerned about a slipcover moving all around and looking sloppy. That will bug me. Maybe if they fit properly it's not too big a problem.

    We're going to have some extra money next month and for sure we'll be buying the wesley allen iron bed, an ottoman for the LR and the money that's left............. I'm debating whether I should finish the bedroom (curtains, blind, europillows, paint. everything except the art anyhow. with a little leftover) or put the money towards the LR. Decisions, decisions. A lot will depend on the layout I think.

    Bronwynsmom - I'll wait to see your next sketch.

    I'm not going to do anymore mocking up of any kind right now. I'll admit when I first started reading the homework assignment I thought to myself, "I know all these answers." But obviously if I had it all figured out I wouldn't be in this situation. I need to take a closer look. I'll continue to work on that right now.

    I'm glad you're having fun!! :) I feel like a big PITA.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I wanted to check and I think the bookends together would be a tight fit on the wall to the left when you walk in the room.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've long had my eye on a leather recliner similar to the one below by Macy's (oh course, nailhead trim would be a bonus). Like you, though, since we have a perfectly good one in the red paisley, it'd be a tough sell.

    Not sure if you remember my paisley one in my FR, but it's a comfy/cozy recliner that doesn't look like one and still has style, though obviously would clash with your couch, but there are other similar ones that would go if you want to go that route. It's everyone's favorite seat in the FR for that reason.

    When my kids were babies we had a rocker/recliner (very sleek) worked well and was every mom/dad's favorite seat when they came to visit and their baby got fussy. Now, it's at my mom's since it's no longer an issue.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Leather club recliner

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Opps, linked wrong one, see below.

    Here is my recliner (with my magazine/newspaper basket). I find baskets very reasonable, BTW, at Home Goods, Target, or Michaels. I think this one is from Michaels.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Leather club recliner

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Val - I remember your recliner. It's pretty. The one in the 2nd link is the same one? The legs look different.

    I honestly like the one in the first link a little better. I'd need to get fabric (but not microfiber because of hair sticking) though because of the cats. The leather ottoman is going to be a trial. One of the ottoman reviews the poster mentions her dogs jumping all over it with no problems.

    I like your basket too.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Val, is yours this one? (obviously different fabric)

    How does velour wear?

    Here is a link that might be useful: recliner

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, I have the Chloe, but mine is not in velour. I do have one section where the seam is starting to rip that I will need to repair--but keep in mind I have teenagers lounging about in mine so your experience would most likely be different.

    Did you see the post I am linking that had some pics and reviews of others with the Chloe recliner? Look at loribee's pic in particular. I think her chairs would look georgeous (and cozy) in your room. One thing that is really nice about this recliner is that it is not at all bulky--one of the main reasons I bought it as I don't have large rooms that can accomodate supersize furniture like you see so often. The style does pair nicely with the 1904's DF style tables or at least I think it does. Funny thing is, this was never planned this way. Chair was originally bought for my MBR and the table for my LR as part of a matched set. Then if you remember I found the inlay tables and so needed a new spot for the drum table. So you are not alone with tweaking your original layouts and shifting things around. It's all part of the collected look plus making your rooms fit for the way you live your life. Now I have a wingchair in my bedroom which works really great in small space and a great dumping spot for extra pillows at night or sit and put on shoes, so before you get rid of your wingchair, perhaps you could move it to your MBR.

    That said, I'd try out the arrangement you like first with the wingchair and then once you get that the way you like it, then think about swapping out the WC. One thing about the Chloe is that it seems it's been around for awhile and not being discontinued as far as I know--so if you decide 6 mos. down the road, you want it, you could get it then.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Thread with Chloe recliners

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    RE the EC side bookcases: The sketch did not have them placed together on the same wall so the crown shouldn't be a problem. In the sketch, they are opposite each other. One as you walk in on the left and the other directly opposite on the window wall. It looks as if they should fit.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Val - I caught a bit of the thread last night. I'd like to sit in one of those chairs IRL and see. I do remember that was going to be used in your bedroom originally. Looks nice in your family room.

    Kmcg - Look at the picture I posted above with the unit apart in my LR. The end pieces aren't meant to be apart so the crown stops funny. It slants. The insides also aren't finished panels but at least they're stained.

    When I used them together I put a fake plant in the middle where the crown was split (in an open V) to hide it.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Patience, Shee...

    As PITAs go, you ain't seen nothin'!
    My favorite client story involves a couple who decided to work out their considerable issues through the design work in their house. Fast forward seven months, through what should have been a three month job, to a house full of compromises, which she ended up with in the divorce. I think I left about six pints of blood in the paint...

    Got busy again today, but will have something for you later on.
    Meanwhile, I think you could use a break. The only remedy for that frantic feeling is to just walk away for a day, turn your attention to something else, and let your subconscious sort out what's in the front of your brain today. All creative people know the power of stopping when confusion sneaks in.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am just following along and learning a lot from your project. I'm going to do bronwynsmom's homework as well - I never started out projects right - now I see I can save myself trying to force things to work that don't by having a plan first. A-hah!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Next step...

    I checked the scale on the love seat and sofa, and according to the measurements you gave me, those dimensions are actually right.
    Since they do seem so big, maybe you could double check those numbers?

    The 75" length of the loveseat converts to 6'-3". The 102" length of hte sofa converts to 8'-6". The 40" depth is 3'-6". So their positions on the drawings are actually accurate, unless there's something amiss in the room measurements...but I doubt that's the case, since the wall segments add up all the way around.

    If the measurements are correct, then the volumes we're working with are right, and I'll take it from there.

    Hang in, dollink...

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bronwynsmom - Double checked. I think I got those dimensions online.

    The loveseat is 6'- 6' 1" wide. Sofa is 8'-8'1" wide. The depth on both is 3' 3". It's hard to measure with the arms all poufy. Sorry about that.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shee, you certainly have a lot to think about. Take your time. Bronwynsmom gave you 3 great options for a floor plan. How very nice of you, Bronwynsmom!!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shee, the measurements are close enough that we don't need to redo them. It's better to allow a little extra room, anyway, and three inches shouldn't affect this plan in any case.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    At this point, my thoughts today anyhow, I think I'll be keeping the couch. I'm still not sold on the idea of sitting in a recliner. I still want to either slip cover or replace the wing chair, that half table is leaving, overtime add more art, change lamps, accessories, tables perhaps, maybe get rid of the bronze/gold silk pillows.

    Looking thought photos and comparing lately, I've discovered besides warm colors and textures, I'm also very drawn to RL plaids. Ha, however, the prices have me running away. Don't know that plaid would even work in the room but that's something I've discovered is somewhere in most rooms I love. The masculine plaids and houndstooth styles.

    I'm going on a shopping trip in a few weeks and for the first time will set foot in a Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware outlet... I'm just sayin... :)

    Bronwynsmom - Anymore thoughts about the entertainment stand bookends?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Soon, I promise...deadlines in my real work are looming, and I have to give them priority, but I will have time this weekend...

    Are you doing your homework?
    Good girl....


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok, sounds good. I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing more ideas.

    I am doing my homework. *proud cheesy grin*

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    To go with your hunting picture - Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself...

    Love RL....

    Here is a link that might be useful: plaid fabric

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I feel like I'm watching (or reading) a TV show. I'm always looking forward to the next episode!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gonna get my knuckles slapped... :)

    Scooby I really like those fabrics. What's the first one? I LOVE the plaid and it's more affordable at $20 a yard!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh my goodness, that hunt fabric is wonderful. The faces of the riders, the expressions of the dogs! I don't even LIKE hunt pictures! The whole importing such a cute little carnivore to be slaughtered really makes me cringe, so I pretend they all just like to run and jump through the countryside. Yeah, I've had a few glasses of wine. I'm rambling. I really DO like that first one, though. I have a friend that's partial to English Country, so that fabric may be something I can use for her.

    Shee, saw your bedding post. You're like me, always thinking if just to take your mind off thinking! :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That hunt fabric would go great with the plaid bedding you are thinking about also! With some touches of red, it would be wonderful...

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That hunt fabric would go great with the plaid bedding you are thinking about also! With some touches of red, it would be wonderful...

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh darn! Sorry about the double post..I'm new at this. Slinking off in embarrassment now...

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Alex - Yeah, I may stop thinking about one project but I normally just bounce to the next one. :)

    Pammysue - I think so too. Don't worry about the double post. I've done it more than once. :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bronwynsmom - I'm ok with keeping the stand together. For now, I'll keep the loveseat because of money reasons. If I happen to run across something that works, for a good deal on CL I'll get it but the odds of finding something aren't real great. Everything I see on there is microfiber which I won't have.

    When we get rid of the loveseat I'll replace it with a recliner. Still want to replace the wingchair. Not sure whether I like scheme 1 or 2 better. 1 is more practical to use the extra chair for viewing the tv but I want to use my palm somewhere in the room.

    Can we talk more specifics for what I should be looking for?

    Shopping trip is happening next Monday or Tuesday.

    I found a magazine holder and large basket at Target. Both are the same style, dark rattan (?) I believe. A pic of the mag. holder is online but not the large basket for some reason.

    Didn't order my ottoman yet. I haven't thought about this room lately. I haven't done any mock ups with dragging chairs around either.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, you were certainly right that the drawing didn't look right.
    Imagine my embarrassment upon discovering that, when I cropped the original to fit it onto the scanner, I put the pieces back together with a foot of the length of the room cut out.
    Holy cow.

    I'm sorry! Also sorry to have been silent on the subject for so many days. Too much work to do in my real life!

    So I'm recutting the plan, and making two quick concept sketches for you. I'll start a new thread when they are done.

    Meanwhile, I love the tartan and hunt toile idea you've come to.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Bronwynsmom! I understand. Life's busy!

    Are you just talking about the last sketches you did with the stand split up or all of them? Hoping you saw the part where I mentioned the end pieces look goofy by themselves?

    Looking forward to more specifics! My bedroom project has been keeping me away from thinking about this room too much.

    Shopping trip is scheduled for Tuesday. :)

    And Scooby, where are you!? You can't just post a picture of fabric and run away. :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, scooby has been busy with her room rearrange thread and she is leaving for the weekend to go camping! HUMPF! I left another message on your fabric thread. Are ya sick of me yet, lol???

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shee, do you really want to get rid of the wing chair or do you not like the color? I had my wing chair recovered in a red plaid :-). It was cheaper than buying a new chair of the same quality and it really changed the look of the chair. You could also use a tweed, herringbone, or something that would go with your couch but with a much smaller pattern and more muted color. Something to think about.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kmcg - That reminds me I need to check back with her room thread. I posted on other thread. Not sick you!

    "Shee, do you really want to get rid of the wing chair or do you not like the color?"
    I'd be much more content with it if it were darker. I'm fine with the chair in general but not in this room.
    Honestly, I saw this chair posted on my CL and if mine were darker like this I'd probably be fine with it for now. Especially since nobody really sits in that seat. I'll be much more picky when it comes to replacing the loveseat.
    Red and green plaid. Not saying that another piece of red upholsterd furniture is the answer but I like the darker color.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That chair is similar to mine. Mine is red, sage green and gold plaid. You could always recover yours in that really pretty paisley you've been looking at and put it in your bedroom :-)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Your chair sounds pretty!

    Hmm.. that would be a way to use the paisley since I believe I'm going to use the floral pattern for the other accent pillow. :)

    I'm not really sure there's enough room for a chair though. I don't know that the room's deep enough.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Went shopping yesterday. I was very disappointed in the PB and Restoration Hardware outlet. I don't know what I expected but there really wasn't that much and the prices weren't real great.

    Bought clothes instead. :) It was a fun day.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 10 years ago

    WTH!! Why did this show up when nobody bumped it!!?