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Drapery Panels from Loribee's L/R Seasonal Post - JCP?

Lori was kind enough to recently attach a link to some drapery panels similar to those she has in her "Fall Colors Family Room". Link was to JCP's site. Has anyone purchased these panels, and if so, what do you think? They've gotten excellent feedback, but curious as to IRL colors and quality as they are so inexpensive (down right steal if you ask me).

LR is SW Blonde so my first choice would be the New Orleans Red, but considering my DH is a nut about being more monochromatic, I also ordered the Ivory. I neede 10 panels and for the price...

Has anyone seen or bought the drapes from JCP that Lori linked? Quality?

I have no idea how to link the drapes, My camera card is full, so I can't post a pic of my LR to get a reasonble opinion before they are hung. UGH Cross posting to the other thread as well


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