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ceph's fdh = ceph's dh

15 years ago

Hi SM friends!

Thanks for all your lovely wishes during our engagement!

DH (heehee) and I are just hanging out in the living room with some friends, looking at photos, chitchatting, and one person is knitting :)

The wedding day went incredibly well - it was so much fun! (and nothing major went wrong)

I had the best day - Thursday and Friday were stressful, but I woke up Saturday relaxed, happy and looking forward to my wedding.

I went for a delicious breakfast with my bridesmaid, her daughter and her mom... Then off to hair appointments...

Then had a delicious lunch with some girlfriends, my sister and my bridesmaid's mom and daughter... Then we went up to my room to do our makeup.

What a fabulous pre-wedding - so much fun!

DH and I met up for a few minutes alone in the hotel's atrium and then we did photos. I'm so glad we did photos first, because it cleared up all my nerves and was a blast!

I'll have pro-pics sometime soon and will share a few with you, but for now I'll give you a few shots taken by our family and friends.

(I didn't edit anything, so please excuse the red-eye and so on)

DH coming in with A__:


Here's me coming in with my Dad and SM:


Here's when our officiant told us to make out:


Now we're coming back in to the reception:


I'm not sure what we're laughing at, but we look awfully happy!!


First dance:


Me and my dad, crying while laughing (my family loves to cry):


My 9yo nephew wanted to spin me when we were dancing:


My 6mo nephew has the world's cutest pout:


And this is the funniest photo ever - I was doing a goofy dance to Ice Ice Baby, and tried to teach it to my dad, who was demanding "some slow sh17" to dance to... But he couldn't figure out the dance, so he just started pumping his suspenders at me, which made me laugh my butt off!


The wedding was a blast!

DH and I had a great jacuzzi tub with a glass of champagne when we got back to our room ;)

Then we had a come-and-go reception today, and our place was totally packed with friends and family! And I wore my pretty dress that my mom wore to their Sunday events from their wedding in 1968.

Here's me and a dear family friend (we cried when we saw each other - like I said my family loves to cry!)


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