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I LOVE my stepdaughter...

Vivian Kaufman
16 years ago

My 16-year-old SD. :) she gets off of work and just stops by on her way home. She doesn't have to be anywhere for a half-hour or so and is just killing time until she picks up her brother from soccer practice.

For the half-hour that she was here, we laughed, chatted, talked about the boy she liked, etc. Just good old "girl chat" and it was great. I am VERY proud of her. She has such a level head and good sense. I am in AWE sometimes.

It's amazing that you spend all those years mucking around with the stepfamily situation, winning, losing, wondering if it is worth it, and then your teenage daughter just "stops by" to chat and you realize that she ain't no little girl anymore and that she's turning out to be a pretty darn good person.

Tonight, it was all worth it.

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