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This is what I'm dealing with - Just Venting!

16 years ago

Since SS17 return from 6 months of psychiatrict residential treatment/drug and alcohol rehab, things have been going swimmingly well. He really has just gotten right back into the school groove, finishing his senior year with excellent grades (so far, As in everthing except Jewelry(!?)), working part-time, and doing a pretty good job of adhering to the rules.

He was on "house probation" for the first month of his return, and has a sliding curfew for the next month. His first Saturday night out was for Homecoming weekend, and instead of partaking in any of the festivities, he went and hung out at his friend's house. This particular friend, a girl, wrote to him during his stint away, with his BioMom's encouragement. Unfortunately, the dozen or so letters she wrote him over the course of six months were filled with, "We were just chillin' in my pool house, smoking so much excellent weed, Zach drank so much until he passed out, my parents so over-reacted when the guys spray-painted the pool house furniture, you're missing so many excellent parties, can't wait for you to get home so we can party, are you really going to have to be sober for the rest of your life? What a drag." I don't like this girl. I never did. I got a bad vibe from her the first time I met her. When these letters came up, I couldn't help but think, what the heck is wrong with this girl? BioMom, who thinks this girl is such a good friend to son, excuses the letters by saying the girl is only 17. Yes, but son is in REHAB, and it's not a secret why, AND this girl knows about the self-injury.

So, when son said he wanted to hang out at this girl's house, I just crossed my fingers. She had come by our house when son first got home, and DH had a conversation with her (and all son's friends) about not using in front of son. Turns out, when DH went to pick him up at 10:30, son reeked of marijuana. DH was very angry and refused to talk to son until he was more calm. Son insisted he wasn't smoking, he has no desire to do drugs, and begged us to drug test him. His exact words, "I didn't do anything wrong. I don't know why dad is so mad. I just hung out with them while they were smoking." I asked son, since dad was giving him the silent treatment as he followed us around, looking for resolution, "Why didn't you call us to come and get you when they started smoking?" He didn't want to be picked up, he wanted to hang out with them. I asked, "You were being picked up at 10:30. Couldn't you have asked your friends to wait until you left?" He said, "Yeah, I guess so." I told him it wasn't so much that dad was mad at him, but that dad is very scared. We all are, because we understand the slippery slope of drug addiction. If he's hanging out with his friends, whom he had said would respect his new lifestyle, and they are using, it's only going to be a matter of time before he starts using again. I reiterated again that we are scared. I was actually pretty cool. I didn't get angry, didn't yell, didn't do any of the things I would have done in the past that would have put him on the defensive. I just asked him to understand why we are very afraid. He said, "Oh. Okay."

So, I shared this with BioMom, so that she would know what is going on with this "friend." This past weekend, BioMom came into town. It was son's 18th birthday, She wanted to take him out to a very nice dinner, with a couple of friends, to celebrate. Turns out the friends were this particular girl and her best girlfriend. She didn't tell me this, son did. Of all the friends he has, I couldn't understand why BioMom would want to encourage son to spend time with this girl. I expressed surprise to son, and he said, "What? Emily thinks my mom is very cool, and my mom likes Emily." Incredible.

I know it's very difficult to tell your 18 year old child that you don't like a particular friend, you don't think that paricular friend is good for them, and you don't want them hanging out with that particular friend. It's another thing entirely to encourage spending time with that particular friend. What is that BioMom thinking?

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