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OT - But Need Advice Fast!

16 years ago

This is Off Topic - so if you mind, please stop reading now. Otherwise, I'd sure appreciate your suggestions:

This afternoon when my 11-yo son and I were returning home from the grocery store, a sporty car passed us going very fast. I was driving at the speed limit, or perhaps a tad over since it's a road I know well, and had only been on that road for 3-4 blocks -- so there's no possible way the driver of the other car had been gradually losing patience with me and waiting for a time to pass me safely. The area where he passed me was between two sharp curves spaced 2-3 blocks apart, with poor visibility and a double-yellow no passing lane -- and right in front of the village Police Station! Ironically, there's a straight-away just after the second curve where he could have passed me safely, though not legally.

Anyway, right after he sped past me, his car began to quiver, then fishtail, and he lost control going around the curve, spun completely around, and ended up facing the other direction in a muddy ditch about 1/2 inch from a utility pole. I had slowed enough to be able to stop safely, so I immediately pulled over and called 911. While I was on the phone with 911, he got out of his car, came over to mine and asked to use my cell phone to call his parents.

The driver appeared to be a teenager - I'd guess 16 to 18, and was very polite. He didn't appear to be injured in any way and when I asked, said that he wasn't injured. I rolled down my window a few inches (doors were locked) and handed him the phone. He made two shortish calls, speaking rapidly in a foreign language, then thanked me for letting him use my phone and handed it back to me. I said I would pull my car around to a safer spot and wait for the police to get there. He said there was no need, but I replied that since I had called the accident in, I thought I was required to be there.

A few minutes later, a police car pulled up. From inside the car, the officer asked the boy if he was all right -- he said he was. He then asked if any other cars were involved -- the boy said there weren't. The officer then said "OK - Well, you're going to need a wrecker." The boy replied that he had already called his parents, and that they would be there shortly. At that point, I asked the officer if he had any questions for me (hint, hint!) and he indicated that he didn't and drove away.

OK - So now I'm at a bit of a loss. To my way of thinking, this boy had been driving like an idiot and could have killed someone (including me and my son!) and the police officer didn't even get out of the car! So I'm wondering what to do -- feeling like I should stay and talk to the boy's parents, since hopefully, they at least will care. But at the same time, the cop has told me I could go and had already driven away. So I have no real plausible reason to stay there, except to make trouble for the boy -- and I'm thinking he knows it...

So I leave. And I'm NOT feeling good about this.

As a responsible parent, I would want to know what my teenaged son was up to. OK - a certain amount of it will be obvious from the car's location -- that the driver lost control going around a curve. But what will be missing from the picture is that the reason the driver lost control is because he was driving recklessly! And I'm assuming that this is a piece of the puzzle the boy might reasonably omit from his explanation to his parents... The bad feelings continue - so I drive back to the accident site. It's only been 45 minutes, but they're already gone...

My question is what, if anything, to do about it now? I do have the two phone numbers the boy called because they were stored automatically on my cell phone.

What are your opinions?

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