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can non-custodial parent take kids to counselor? mediation??HELP!

21 years ago

Does anyone know anything about "mediation"- can a family court order a mediator to help if problems CAN NOT be resolved between 2 parties??

OR does my husband have a RIGHT to enter into counseling with his children? The bio mom is the "custodial parent", but they have joint custody.

Things have gone from bad to worse in our home!! My husbands 3 daughters come 3 out of 4 w/e's and every w/e is complete turmoil.

There have been numerous times that they go home and fabricate stories of things that have happened here. And i am quite certain it is an attempt to get attention from their mom who eats up every lie they tell!

Just an example- my SD who is 12 recieved a touch lamp for a bday present...I asked her like 5 times if she would like to take it home w her to her moms. Because w/ all their other toys, knick knacks, dolls, ets.. there was no where for it in there 2 rooms!!(we lived in a small 3 bedroom apt, and i also have a daughter. SO 3 bedrooms w 6 people is a little cramped!) After approx. 1 year of it still sitting in the box, 1 of my lamps got broken downstairs and i asked her if we could all enjoy her lamp downstairs!! She told me that was fine!! (I asked her like 3 times cuz i know how things go w them sometimes!!- she still replied it was OK!!) Well like a week later my hubby got a call from mom saying how SHE WANTED to take her lamp home and i wouldn't let her, and just took it w/out asking!!


Hubby and I are thinking that counseling might help but we aren't sure if we are allowed to do it w/out her permission? SHE would never allow it if we asked!!

Or better yet- mediation w/ ALL of us present would be better- but have no idea how this works! (she is remarried also)

Does anyone know how this works?? I want to help our family BEFORE we totally fall apart- but don't know how?

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