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My MIL is an evil troll

17 years ago

I just found this forum today. I too would like to have a place to vent. Sometimes I think that I have married into the worst family alive. I have this wonderful husband and we've been together for 10 years now. In this 10 years we have been through a life time of hell. His 17 year old son is a budding sociopath (lives with his grandmother thank god) His mother is an absolute loon. She is a lying snake in the grass sociopath herself. When I got pregnant with my now 8 year old daughter my MIL not only insisted but offered to pay for an abortion. I was 34. She coddles this horror of a child and defends his every move. It is always someone elses fault. He lies, he steals he does whatever he pleases. We first sent this kid to live with her so she could see his true colors, and sure enough when they did show up gramma blamed his SISTER. Because he owed his sister 100.00 he stole 1700.00 from the place he worked at. He only had the job for a month. This kid is so good at being outwardly charming that no one can believe he's an evil black heart. We've been crying since he was 7 for someone to listen to us. No contact with bio mom until recently since he was 9 months. (they were taken from her) We sent him to her in NJ in an act of desparation and to keep our little girl safe. Bio mom immediately went on welfare and the state came after us for the bill, to the tune of 1,000 a month. Never mind that she never paid a dime of child support for 16 years. Grand total now is around 45K. The state of NJ welfare found out that he was in unlivable conditions and wanted to send him back to us, and we said "no way he's dangerous to our family" He's tried to blow up our house! Of course gramma was there in the teleconference with a laywer saying she only cared about poor christopher and offered to take him back. So the state of NJ awarded her temporary custody pending her filing for perm custody here in Arizona. Then low and behold she now wants the 1K a month that the state of NJ was raping us for. Siting that BM has no income so we are 100 responsible for his support. Funny, support was never an issue when she had him before. (oh did i mention when she filed a false report and had me served with a restraining order?)

She wants to punish my DH for not "loving his son enough" by siding with me the wh*re. We have 6 children between us, and we can not sacrifice 5 for one. Now before you start saying that he feels like the outsider and that he's starved for attention and love, you should know that I also have a step daughter. We've all had our ups and downs but all families do, and I have never had a double standard in my house. My three children from my first marriage have NEVER treated my husband the way my husband's family has treated me. I didn't have a very happy marriage the first time around ex husband just kind of ignored me, I was so lonely. Then I meet my soul mate only to find out that I have had this cruel joke played upon me. Our crime? Falling in love. Our punishment? You name it. Sometimes I want to die, just so I can have some peace in my life again. And I am really getting tired of anti depressants, sleeping pills and anything else the drs think will keep me sane. =( I know I'm rambing so I'll end now. Thanks for letting me rant. I'm glad I found this place.

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