Really needing some perspective here...
Been a while since i've been here but if any of you have ever read me, you'd remember I have a 21yo SD who has stolen from our home and has started so many lies and rumors that I officially gave up being associated to her. She's married with 2 kids and a complete loser just like her mother.
My almost 20yo SS is graduating finally from high school. Lots of trouble, suspensions, bad grades..lots of stuff. But finally gonna graduate.
Here's my beef...
Got on Facebook yesterday and my hubby's was still open to his feedpage. His daughter had posted a HUGE paragraph on how she and her mother are sooooooooo proud of him..the same women that would slit his throat for any money he may have at the time. His mother hasn't had custody of him since the age of 13 and has offered no financial support towards him for anything. Has no idea who his teachers are or grades..nothing. But yet...they are both proud. the paragraph it states that people have put him down forever saying he would never graduate..he was stupid.d amount to nothing..but she knows better. And how said it was that his FATHER wasn't being a man and a good father by not sitting up front in an honored seat at the graduation due to not being able to sit with his "WIFE" - my title in quotes.
So..I question hubby..he says his son had asked him to sit in seats where graduates can have preference on who gets them and he told him no, that he was not going to sit with his exwife but he intended to sit with me, his wife. Said his son was fine with it and that was last week.
So SD calls DH yesterday and says SS called her crying hysterically about how 'daddy' doesn't want to sit near 'mommy'....which I do not believe. So she then goes on Facebook and posts this stuff. DH told me nothing about it. So people had begun to post how proud they were of him and how awful it was dad wouldn't sit up front..and a remark from the ex on how she would give up her seat next to God to be there for her son because he means the world to her.
I was livid...I feel like no matter what was said it was never told to me..ANY of this. So I look to family and friends like some sort of control freak. If DH wants to sit in a section for parents..who cares? I'll stand in the background like the unrespected parent I've been since Day 1.
SS has been in my home for 4 years with me paying the bills alongside his father so half his support came from me. And his mother is going to show up on graduation like she's done something...I would expect no less. THAT is her to a T. She's worthless.
I guess I'm so tired of SD making such mountains out of molehills. Now my DH is beside himself thinking he's had his son crying like a huge baby..which like I said I do not believe.
She has made such a mess out of every occasion..why should this be different?
Now...the next thing I can see being brought up...after graduation I can see SD making DH feel guilty about 'mommy' not being allowed at our house for the cookout. And my DH sitting around like the zombie he was last night.
Okay..thought? Just needed to vent. Total crap.
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