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SS is talking about moving in!

17 years ago

The last 2 times my stepsons have been over the youngest one has mentioned that he wishes he could live here. He is 12 and the oldest one is 13. My DH and I have a daughter together that is 6. We currently live 45 minutes away from the boys' BM. We have had our ups and downs through the last 7 years. Of course the first few were horrible and then finally the last few months they have calmed down. I think only because she is running out of things to call and gripe about. She doesn't work and pretty much lives off of the $1200 a month child support with her new hubby as an electrician. She bought a new house a few months ago because she said she needed a bigger house because the boys are getting bigger. Yet, they are sharing a room. Let's just say I know her house payment is bigger than the child support. She runs her house like a boot camp. The youngest SS got grounded for a week because he left his medicine on the counter. And, he had to write a 2 page paper about responsibility for her.

I know that he wants to be here because we are more laid back and we let them be boys. We still have rules over here but if he were to live here there would be more rules. I'm not quite sure on how to handle this situation. He would have to switch schools and I know she would freak out because of the child support getting lowered. I think that if he came, his brother would too. I'm not sure if I could handle that kind of stress having them here. My DH works a lot of hours and doesn't even get home until after 7 most nights. Does any one know what age a child can ask to switch houses in Kansas?

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