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HELP.. Need input, advice, support??? (Part 2)

16 years ago

I started a new thread because my original post from the last one was so long... If you didn't read it, you'd have to go there first to understand what I'm talking about here. If you read it, then you know that I called my stepdaughter's mom's new boyfriends' ex wife a couple of weeks ago. (feel like I had a Jerry Springer moment saying all that!)

Well, she called me today. She tells me that she's having a problem with SD's BM. Last weekend, it was DH's weekend to keep SD. However, BM's BF was supposed to have his kids, so he told his ex that he was going to pick them up and drop them off at his parent's house because he has plans to go out to a party with BM. (BM is a party girl) When his ex asked him (on the phone) why he isn't going to spend time with his kids (he only gets them two weekends a month), she heard BM tell her BF to 'tell her it's none of her f*cking business!' So, of course she's upset that dad's new GF is saying that.

She also says that BM's BF told her that BM is building a hatred for her. So, BF's ex has no idea why BM feels this way, but BF is supporting BM.

The other things she is concerned about is things her kids are starting to do when they come back. She has a 7 year old daughter that is now singing rap songs and dancing (bump & grind) and trying to be sexy. [this is the same BM that is encouraging SD to be a stripper and sexy] When I heard that, I felt I had to tell her some of the problems we've had with SD when it comes to being sexy, etc.

Then, when I went into SD's room, she had two sheets of paper sitting on her desk. At first, it looked like nothing but my daughter saw the word sex. So, I looked at it again and it is a list that says: (I'm not going to give out specific numbers but it just listed the numbers and I will put the words exactly how she wrote it) She's 8.

[first page]

Phone number


Doge (I think she means Dodge car)

Pink (she's used this to list her wedding color)

Brice (the boy she has a crush on)

have u had sex how many times 9

[second page]


PO Box number 62703

fax number 206930

I am to I love you so so so so so so

I want to mary you & will you so so so so so so so so so so marry me.

yes I will so so so so so so so

I love you with all my hart so so so so so so

I'm happy you asked me that so so so so so so so so so so so much

Now, I know that is sort of normal, but considering her obsession with being sexy and boys... I'm concerned. A LOT

Especially the first note, asking about having sex. I guess I'm also worried that if she does have this problem, now that she's around her mom's BF's daughter that is 7, and she's starting to pick some of this up, well I think somebody needs to intervene. In my previous job, I was a mandated reporter of abuse and if I were still there, I would have reported this already. There's a part of me that doesn't want to create bigger problems with DH's ex. We really don't need a court battle again but now I'm worried about somebody else's child.

Give me some input here.... Thanks

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