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Backsplash or no Backsplash.

11 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums, but I have a slight dilemma that I'm trying to decide on. I am redoing my kitchen & am about to get my new granite countertops fabricated for installation very soon. Now, originally we told our fabricators to include the typical 4" backsplash in the fabrication of the countertops, because, as of now, our walls are painted only. But, with more thought & looking at so many pictures of kitchens, I have noticed a lot of people do not do that type of backsplash anymore, instead, they do a tiled, metallic or stainless steel backsplash on their walls. I never thought I wanted to get into the work & expense of tiling my walls, but, I also want my kitchen to look it's best & found so many updated kitchens that don't do a granite backsplash, instead, go with tiled backsplashes that I just love, I am not sure what to do, so, my questions are this:

#1 Is a matching granite backsplash to your countertops outdated? I don't want to "outdate" as I "update" :) Our granite is 3cm, therefore, the backsplash will be also, which is what our existing formica backsplash is & I don't like it.

#2 If I do decide to tile, will I need to tile before the countertops are put in or can I tile afterwards, I don't want to make it more difficult for myself.

I appreciate any advice or ideas that you all have one way or the other :)

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