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New here and needing some advice

13 years ago

This might be long so I apologize in advance.

I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years; he has 3 kids- 5, 7, and 16- all have different mothers. He was married to the first mom and the third mom; the middle child was an 'accident'. He has full custody of the 5 year old, shared custody of the middle child and has been fighting for full custody of the oldest because she was miserable with her mother. So now he has full custody of two and partial of one.

The next thing to explain would be our age difference- he's 39 I'm 23 which actually works out really well because I've always related to people older than me. Anyway when he and I first started dating I wanted to delay meeting his kids because it just didn't seem appropriate to meet them until we knew we would be together for a while. I told him that. So our first few times hanging out together I would go to his house after I got off work when his kids were gone to bed. Well finally one night I get there and the youngest one was up and he's pretty much been pushing them on me since then.

When we finally went on our first date he brought his 5 year old and it was a disaster. Then he brought the 5yr old and the 16yr old (and her date) out on our first Valentines together! I tried my hardest to get to know his kids and spend time with them (I've never met the middle child) but I really don't like his youngest kid. She's rude, nasty, bossy, she lies, destroys things, doesn't clean up after herself, she doesn't respect people's personal space, their belongings, or their privacy. My niece is a week younger than her and is far more developed and mature. Anyway I finally got fed up with him constantly bringing them out on our dates and told him not to bring them until I told him I was ready to start involving the kids in our activities together which is what I wanted in the beginning.

We've been together two years now and he wants to marry me but I'm not sure. Part of me feels like since I love him I should be able to accept his kids but I can't. Not to mention when I have kids I want it to be a first for me and my husband; not my first and his fourth. I feel like if we had a kid together I would resent his kids and possibly him for having kids with other women. Am I wrong in feeling that way? I think having a child with someone is something really special that should be reserved for a married couple and it bothers me that he's made so many bad decisions in marrying these women and having kids with them. The reason I call them bad decisions is because one has married a maniac that has made both him and his daughter miserable, the other just brings his son on some random schedule without giving him a heads up, and the mother of the youngest is no where to be found and has a warrant out for her arrest; very classy.

I don't want to be involved in that kind of low class drama. His past mistakes shouldn't be my current problem and I know they would be. Thing is I really do love him and if he didn't have those kids I would marry him tomorrow if he asked me. But with everyone having kids nowadays I worry that I might end being single forever unless I decide to be a stepmom afterall.

Any advice or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. And again I apologize for this being so long.

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