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A bargain for a penny

16 years ago

(Smiling like a satisfied cat) I never dreamed that I would be able to buy anything for a penny again, but I found a cute, wooden block snowman, at Dollar General Store today. It was in the 90% off basket and was marked a dollar. When I got to the register, I asked the clerk if it was supposed to be in the 90% off section. It scanned one cent. I said I would take it. The snowman is very worn like it has seen many Christmas seasons (part of its charm). He stands 5 inches on three blocks of wood, has a metal band around the Santa cap and a metal band around the neck for a scarf. A grapevine arm has broken off, but that can be replaced or not. I like him just like he is  looking like a favorite old decoration.

Dollar General also had Bratz dolls for $5. They very same dolls were almost $10 at Wal-Mart. I know because I only had $4 in cash and Dollar General would not take Master Card, so I had to put some of my purchases back.

Has anyone else found a penny bargain lately? Or how about a fantastic deal?


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