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do cracks along home foundation mean failure

17 years ago

We will probably complete purchase of home on re-sale market and put our 25 yr old house up for sale in a couple of months...

I have noticed while doing yard work that the mortar/concrete has started to loosen in several areas on the outside...

for instance...1) on the front porch where the door sill meets the concrete of the porch there is line of concrete or mortar that has cracked and is loose---there are no cracks what so ever in the brick front of the entry--none around the door frame or the top window or sidelights...the door operates smoothly and there are no cracks in the tile in the front entry hall...

2) I noticed today when I was hooking up the water hose to bib on side yard that there where the concrete foundation and the brick meet there is the black vapor barrier or whatever they used back then---some of it has flaked away after all this time so there is just brick and concrete...and there is line/crack horizontally there where brick and concrete meet---but no cracks in brick mortar or vertical/diagonal cracks in concrete foundation...

on that side of the house, we have lots of shade from 2 mature pecan trees shielding a large bed of Asian jasmine, some nandina and a yupon that is about 10 ft tall...

The only interior cracks that I have noticed are one where the drywall tape has separated a little from the sheetrock panels on the ceiling--just two--and they are about 2-3 inches long each...

We have one bedroom door that sticks but there is no crack around the framing in or our of that room....

We had a sprinkler system installed when the house was built and try to water evenly and not overwater---we have had bad drought last couple of years and had to water less frequently but try for longer times to encourage the grass to deepen its root system...

I guess I am afraid that when/if home is purchaed the inspector might say we have foundation problems which will scare away the buyer and be an expense to repair we don't want to do...

We had termites years ago that cause some sheetrock damage before we caught them but that was contained to one room. After the house was treated, they came back once kind of swarming but were treated again...we have Orking transferable policy so I think that will be wood/wall damage to structure...

Any comments about the foundation---I will post this on building a home as well---that is where I have spent most of my time...

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