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November, 2013 Quilting/Sewing Goals

It's countdown time for those of you who are making Christmas gifts! Luckily for me, I don't have anything in mind this year, but wish I could remember to make some fun pillowcases each month so I could send them up to the family....maybe next year as it's been awhile since I've done that and it's time the ones they have should probably be tossed. lol

I have a list this month that must be accomplished.
1. Finish Lucy's Pink Quilt (sandwich and quilt)
2. Finish the Cabin Warmer quilt (we've been invited for a week-end in December) (borders, sandwich and quilt)
3. Finish Abbi's boys quilts (bindings)
4. Work on something for Abbi's DH (?)

We're in the home stretch people, what's on your get up and at 'em list?


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