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Bird feeding questions

15 years ago

I've always some interest in feeding wild birds, but my husband always said he hated birds, so I didn't look into it. Now he says he would like to have feeders (you could have knocked me over with a feather), so I have some questions. I did a little reading, and it says the feeders should be in a protected area. We just took down our junipers, and the area that we have to hang them in is currently rather sparse. A feeder I'm looking at seems to have a good design, where rain water will drain out of the ledge that the birds sit on to get at the food.

The area is protected from cats, and from all dogs but mine, and they don't try to eat birds, so that part of it is good. But I worry about not having the feeder in a protected area, and I also worry about winter. I was just thinking of feeding them in the spring, summer and fall, but it that cruel? It's just really hard to get out back there in the yard in the winter time. We have to shovel a path for the dogs and also an area for them to use their "toilet", but that area is not near where the feeder would be. I could probably feed them frequently in the winter time, but realistically, I don't know if I could do it daily.

I also would like to put hummer food out. It looks easy to do, and I have a sink in the greenhouse where I could wash the feeder easily. The good part about this is, I think the hummers are only here for spring, summer and fall; so I don't have to worry about them in the winter. I just don't have a protected place to hang the feeder, for their season.

Does anybody have any input on this?

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