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Sign Up for the 2010 Birthday Block Exchange Continues

14 years ago

2010 Birthday Block Exchange

I am coordinating the block exchange for 2010 and wanted to bump this up and let people know that you can still sign up. Several groups have already been formed, but I am continuing to organize this and we will have another group if enough people sign up.

As in the past, we like this to be something that even newer quilters can join, so I would appreciate it if no one selects an extremely difficult pattern. Everyone will select a standard pieced block.

Instructions if you want to participate:

Before you even think of signing up for this, ask yourself if you have the time and commitment to do this for a full year. It is a lot of fun and you will learn a lot, but your group will be depending on you and I am going to be firm in encouraging people to tell me when they have not received their blocks. You need to be willing to post to this forum when you mail a block and receive a block. That makes it fun for everyone. If you can post a picture of the blocks you receive, that makes it even more fun!

So now, if you are ready to go what do you need to do?

First of all, particpants must be adults! There are all sorts of reasons why we cannot be sending information about children. Adults who want to participate will send me the following information by e-mail: Your GardenWeb name, your real name, your e-mail address, your mailing address, the day and month of your birthday, and your telephone number. Your telephone number will not be shared with your group, it is only for me in case a long time goes by and we have not heard from you and we are trying to find out if you are all right. You will not be assigned to a group until I have all the information that I need. You also need to name and describe the block you are requesting. All blocks requested must be no larger than 12 ½" unfinished (12" finished.) Let me know where the pattern or instructions for making the block can be found. This will read something like: When your group members enter that information, it should take them to the instructions for your quilt block.

People from all over the globe participate so it is likely you will have some in your group who live outside the U.S. It is not difficult or expensive to mail one block to a foreign location so I hope you think that this makes it even more fun  I do! I will spread out the birthdays in your group the best that I can, but it may not always be one birthday per month. It depends on who signs up.

What if you are not that particular about your block or you like surprises? Some people do not request a specific block. Some say "quilterÂs choice" or any star pattern or maybe any star on black fabric or whatever. Some in the past have requested a theme  perhaps flowers or birds. When requesting colors, you can refer to the pattern. For example, if you select the 1930Âs square  the first one listed in QuilterÂs Cache in the alphabetical list, you will see that it is made using lavender fabric on a white background. You can ask for the colors shown. Maybe you would like people to use red instead of the lavender and use white on white for the background. You can request that the colors be adjusted. Some people ask for batiks or bright colors  this is your quilt so think of what you would like.

We will all use 100% cotton. If you want the fabric prewashed, please list that as well. I think as a courtesy all fabrics should be prewashed if there is any chance at all that they will bleed or shrink. Blocks need to be clean and pressed when they are mailed. Please package them carefully and take time to address them correctly. Send them without pet hair, dust, and any odor of perfume or smoke. Some may have allergies.

If there are any questions, just ask. I hope you will join in and we will love to celebrate your birthday with you in 2010!


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