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Got the first offer but...

11 years ago

Our house has been on market less than a month

Have had 6 individual viewings, a well-attended open house

We got first offer today--

house is listed at 275K basically

offer is for 265 but they want 6K kickback at closing, to have 45 day closing and rent back from us for a week

they also want an extra slab of granite we have left from kitchen/bathroom remodel and our mineral rights...

The mineral rights are negligible--although they might think they are worth something...

the granite can convey

but they are basically asking for a 16K reduced price--plus the realtors' costs...they offered 1K earnest money...less than 1% of sale price

homes in our neighborhood in DFW area have been selling fairly well

our house has been upgraded within past 4 pristine condition and we have spent a lot of money on it...I know that doesn't necessarily matter to seller but it does to us...

I was kind of insulted even though I know some people still think that any offer is an acceptable offer...

the buyer's agent is her mother--who lis like 70 from what our agent said, and the buyer herself works for mortgage company...which is likely the one giving the pre-qualified letter...

Supposedly she has a home to sell but does not need to do that to qualify...

has 52K to put down toward mortgage if her deal is accepted...

Our realtor says that our house would have no problem appraising for full purchase price so we are not inclined to deal down too much

how weird is it to come in with such low earnest money? and to ask for such give back when someone obviously has cash?

My thought (from couple of questions they asked our agent) is that this person wants to put a pool in our backyard which is one of largest in neighborhood and basically wants to save enough on buying the house to pay for getting pool included in a refinanced mortgage...

But I have also read plenty of stories about sellers who negotiated too harshly with their first offer and didn't see another for a long time...

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